Google前搜索专家Ashutosh Garg,联合Facebook新闻推送团队的Varun Kacholia,共同成立Eightfold.ai公司,致力于融合检索与人工智能技术,变革人力资源行业。团队声称拥有80多个专利,已获得Lightspeed Ventures和Foundation Capital超过2400万美金的投资。
Eightfold (fka VolkScience)是行业的第一个人才智能平台,为企业建立,以整体的方式处理人才的获取和管理。
Eightfold.ai已经拥有超过100名客户在不同行业中使用其工具。 据一份声明称,其软件迄今处理了超过2000万个应用程序,其客户响应率比行业平均水平提高了700%,同时将筛选成本和时间减少了90%。
Eightfold (fka VolkScience) is industry’s first Talent Intelligence Platform, built for enterprises, to address Talent Acquisition and Management in a holistic fashion. Platform is built with three pillars in mind:
* First, we believe that people are every enterprise’s greatest asset, and we want to put them at the center. We aggregate all people data within an enterprise - from applicants to alumni - which is currently siloed across many different point solutions. This becomes the richest & most comprehensive Talent Network for each enterprise.
* Second, we use data to provide intelligence on what people are capable of doing instead of just what they have done in the past. This allows enterprises to more effectively match people to the right opportunities.
* Finally, using AI the platform continuously learns from enterprise and individual performance to predict future roles, performance and career alternatives.
人工智能如何促进人力资源分析 How AI Can Boost HR AnalyticsMarianne Chrisos
How AI Can Boost HR Analytics
员工流动率:人力资源部门和企业可能会有一个偶然的想法,即他们的组织内有多少员工流失 - 也就是说,人们退出的频率如何,或者公司必须重新雇佣相同职位的频率。如果一位人力资源经理不断发布需要销售人员的广告,这可能意味着销售人员正在放弃 - 或者销售额在增长,他们需要更多人来满足需求。为了真正了解其原因是由于营业额还是其他原因 - 以及衡量员工翻身的频率,这可能会告诉您关于商业或文化的一些事情 - 您需要使用分析来衡量。
申请人的质量和数量:你的招聘信息有多好?你的企业声誉有多好?你可以找到这些问题的答案 - 并且如果你发现答案“不是很好”,通过分析你的工作发布的申请人数,特别是申请人的质量,可以帮助确保做出调整。使用报告软件可以衡量您的候选人是否符合质量要求,并报告申请人的属性。他们有相同行业或职位的经验吗?他们有帮助组织发展或从事大型项目的历史吗?分析可以帮助您在回答这些问题的同时节省时间。
作者:Marianne Chrisos
Born in Salem, Massachusetts, growing up outside of Chicago, Illinois, and currently living near Dallas, Texas, Marianne is a content writer as a company near Dallas and contributing writer around the internet. She earned her master's degree in Writing and Publishing from DePaul University in Chicago and has worked in publishing, advertising, digital marketing, and content strategy.
人工智能如何改变人才获取 How Artificial Intelligence Is Changing Talent Acquisition现在大家都在关注招聘AI,并就如何改变招聘方式进行了大量的讨论。招募人工智能是下一代软件,旨在改进或自动化招聘工作流程的某些部分。
作者:Ji-A Min
经济的改善:最近的经济收益创造了一个候选人驱动型市场,这使得人才竞争比以往更加激烈。这一竞争只会继续增加 - LinkedIn调查的 56%的人才招聘领导者认为他们的招聘数量将在2017年增长。
关于人工智能的力量,让候选人与工作岗位相匹配的不同观点,请参阅“ 尽管您阅读或听取的内容,采购活动和确实如此”。
How Artificial Intelligence Is Changing Talent Acquisition
AI for recruiting is on everyone’s mind these days with a lot of talk on how it’s going to transform recruiting. Artificial intelligence for recruiting is the next generation of software designed to improve or automate some part of the recruiting workflow.
Interest in AI for recruiting has been sparked by three major trends:
The improving economy: The recent economic gains have created a candidate-driven market that’s made competing for talent tougher than ever. This competition will only continue to increase – 56% talent acquisition leaders surveyed by LinkedIn believe their hiring volume will grow in 2017.
The need for better technology: Although hiring is predicted to increase, 66% of talent acquisition leaders state their recruiting teams will stay the same size or even shrink. This means time-constrained recruiters need better tools to effectively streamline or automate a part of their workflow, ideally for tasks that are the most time-consuming.
The advancements in data analytics: As technology becomes fast and cost-effective enough to collect and analyze vast quantities of data, talent acquisition leaders are increasingly asking their recruiting teams to demonstrate data-based quality of hire metrics such as new hires’ performance and turnover.
The growing popularity of AI for recruiting represents exciting opportunities for recruiters to enhance their capabilities but there’s also a lot of confusion about how to best leverage it.
To help you make sense of it all, here are the three most promising applications for AI for recruiting.
Application #1: AI for candidate sourcing
Candidate sourcing is still a major recruiting challenge: a recent survey found 46% of talent acquisition leaders say their recruiting teams struggle with attracting qualified candidates.
AI for candidate sourcing is technology that searches for data people leave online (e.g., resumes, professional portfolios, or social media profiles) to find passive candidates that match your job requirements.
This type of AI for recruiting streamlines the sourcing process because it can simultaneously search through multiple sources of candidates for you. This replaces the need to manually search them yourself and potentially saves you hours per req. The time you save sourcing can be spent attracting, pre-qualifying, and interviewing the strongest candidates instead.
Application #2: AI for candidate screening
When 75-88% of the resumes you receive are unqualified, it’s easy to see why resume screening is the most frustrating and time-consuming part of recruiting. For high-volume recruitment such as retail and customer service roles, most recruiting teams just don’t have the time to manually screen the hundreds to thousands of resumes they receive per open role.
AI for screening is designed to automate the resume screening process. This type of intelligent screening software adds functionality to the ATS by using post-hire data such as performance and turnover to make hiring recommendations for new applicants.
It makes these recommendations by applying the information it learned about existing employees’ experience, skills, and other qualifications to automatically screen and grade new candidates. This type of technology can also enrich resumes by using public data sources about previous employers and candidates’ social media profiles.
AI for resume screening automates a low-value, repetitive task and allows recruiters to re-focus their time on higher value priorities such as talking and engaging with candidates to assess their fit.
Application #3: AI for candidate matching
Candidate matching can be an even bigger challenge than sourcing: 52% of recruiters say the hardest part of their job is identifying the right candidates from a large applicant pool.
AI for candidate matching uses an algorithm to identify the strongest matches for your open req. Matching algorithms analyze multiple sources of data such as candidates’ personality traits, skills, and salary preferences to automatically assess candidates against the job requirements.
For example, a LinkedIn job posting ranks candidates by matching the skills on your job description to applicants’ skills on their LinkedIn profiles. Talent marketplaces use matching algorithms to match their community of candidates to open roles. These talent marketplaces usually cater to specific candidate skill sets such as software development or sales.
AI for matching is used to identify the most qualified candidates from those who have opted-in and are either actively looking for a new role or are very open to a new opportunity. This means recruiters don’t need to waste time trying to attract passive candidates who just aren’t interested in a new role.
工业工程师弗雷德里克泰勒在1911年发表了他的报告“ 科学管理”,该报告研究了钢厂工厂工人的流动和行为,从而开始了这一趋势。此后,公司已经部署了数千次参与调查,研究了最高领导者的特征,对留存率和营业额进行了无数次评估,并建立了大量的人力资源数据仓库。所有这些努力都是为了弄清楚“我们能做些什么来让我们的人们获得更多收益?”
那么现在这个域被称为人们的分析,它已经成为一个快速增长的核心业务举措。一项题为“ 高影响力人物分析 ”的研究报告由Deloitte在去年11月由Bersin完成,发现69%的大型组织拥有人员分析团队,并积极构建与人员相关数据的综合存储。
可以认为,这些信息大部分都是保密和私密的,但大多数员工并不介意获取这些数据的组织,只要他们知道正在改进他们的工作体验,正如2015年会议委员会的研究所显示的那样,Big数据并不意味着大 哥哥。虽然从5月25日起可执行的欧盟通用数据保护条例标准将会将隐私权和治理责任放在人力资源部门,但雇主正在加紧处理这些数据并小心处理这些数据。
据Sierra-Cedar 2017人力资源系统调查显示,对于人力资源部门而言,人员分析现在是公司希望替换或升级人力资源软件的首要原因。
Fredrick Taylor, an industrial engineer, started this trend in 1911 when he published his report Scientific Management, which studied the movement and behaviour of factory workers in steel mills. Since then companies have deployed thousands of engagement surveys, studied the characteristics of top leaders, done countless reviews of retention and turnover, and built massive human resources data warehouses. All in an effort to figure out “what can we do to get more out of our people?”
Well now this domain is called people analytics and it has become a fast-growing, core-business initiative. A study, entitled High-Impact People Analytics and completed last November by Bersin by Deloitte, found that 69 per cent of large organisations have a people analytics team and are actively building an integrated store of people-related data.
Why the growth and why the business imperative? Several technical and business factors have collided to make this topic so important.
Firstly, organisations have more people-related data than ever before. Thanks to the proliferation of office productivity tools, employee badge readers, pulse surveys, integrated enterprise resource planning systems and monitoring devices at work, companies have vast amounts of detailed data about their people.
Companies now know who people are communicating with, their location and travel schedules, their salary, job history and training plans. New tools for organisational network analysis, built into email platforms, can tell leaders who is communicating with whom, new tools for audio and facial recognition identify who is under stress, and video cameras and heat sensors can even identify how much time people spend at their desks.
It could be argued that much of this information is confidential and private, but most employees don’t mind organisations capturing this data, as long as they know it is being done to improve their work experience, as shown in 2015 Conference Board research, Big Data Doesn’t Mean Big Brother. While European Union General Data Protection Regulation standards, enforceable from May 25, will put the burden of privacy and governance on HR departments, employers are stepping up to this and treating such data with great care.
Secondly, as a result of having access to all this data, companies can now learn important and powerful things. Not only are executives being forced to report on topics such as diversity, gender pay equity and turnover, but they can also now use people analytics to understand productivity, skills gaps and long-term trends that might threaten or create risk in their business.
One organisation, for example, found incidents of fraud and theft were “contagious”, causing similar bad behaviour among other employees on the same floor within a certain distance. Another is using sentiment analysis software to measure “mood” in the organisation and can identify teams with high-risk projects just from the patterns of their communication.
Many organisations now study turnover and can even predict it before it occurs by monitoring email and social network behaviour, enabling managers to coach high performers before they resign. Organisations now use analytics and artificial intelligence or AI to decode job descriptions, identifying words and phrases that create biased recruitment pools and prevent gender and racial diversity. Manufacturers use people analytics to identify workers who are likely to have accidents, while consulting firms can predict who is likely to be burnt out from too much travel and automotive companies now know why certain teams get projects done on time when others are always late.
AI is, therefore, entering the domain, giving it even more power and scale. A new AI-based people analytics tool sends anonymous emails to a manager’s peers asking simple questions to assess managerial skills. Through its carefully designed algorithms, it gives managers an unthreatening set of recommendations and has improved managerial effectiveness by 8 per cent in only three months.
For human resources departments, people analytics is now the number-one reason companies want to replace or upgrade their HR software, according to the Sierra-Cedar 2017 HR Systems Survey.
But for chief executives, chief financial officers and chief operating officers, it’s even more important. When a sales team is behind its quota attainment or a store’s sales numbers fall behind, why wouldn’t a leader ask “what’s different about the people, practices and managers at those teams that we may be able to address?” Or an even bigger question is “if we want to grow our business by acquiring a given company in Germany, what will the cultural and organisational impact be?” These critical strategic questions can all be answered by people analytics.
The history of this discipline is tactical and somewhat arcane. For years industrial psychologists led the effort and focused primarily on employee engagement and turnover. Today, however, the industry is taking on a new light, refocusing its energy on operational, sales, risk and performance measures. The technology tools are here and companies have AI engineers ready to analyse the data in a powerful and predictive way. And analysts say this domain will grow for years to come; remember that for most businesses, labour costs are the largest and most controllable expense on the balance sheet.
The bottom line is clear: people analytics can now become a strategic competitive advantage. Companies that focus in this area can out-hire, out-manage and out-perform their competitors.
AI 人工智能中对HR的常见术语解释,没事可以了解下在工作环境中准备人工智能对于技术厌恶的招聘团队来说是一个令人望而生畏的。
聊天机器人:聊天机器人的简称,聊天机器人在人才获取方面越来越多。与苹果的Siri或亚马逊的Alexa一样,招聘中的聊天机器人使用人工智能(例如,机器学习 - 见下文)来理解问题并作出回应。Chatbots可以在不同的平台上使用,包括电子邮件,消息应用程序和通过您的申请人跟踪软件。Chatbots旨在模拟与您就业网站的访问者的对话,并正在迅速成为高容量招聘的基本技术工具。聊天机器人有效地使用,为您的招聘过程添加更吸引人的互动元素。今年早些时候进行的一项调查发现,在申请过程中,超过一半的候选人愿意与聊天机器人进行互动。
图灵测试:图灵测试是由科学家阿兰·图灵(Alan Turing)在1950年设想的,前提是“机器可以想象?今天,它指的是人工智能的潜力,以说服人们,而不是一个机器与人互动。其中最成功的例子是第三次获得2017年Loebner奖(基于图灵测试)的Mitsuku聊天机器人,但尚未说服评委是人类。 随着工作场所的自动化程度的提高,这是一个与AI有关的术语。
以上由AI 自动翻译。
Algorithms : An algorithm is a set of rules to be followed in a problem solving situation or calculation. Algorithms take large amounts of data generated during the hiring process and transform it into information that HR can use in candidate selection. In a previous study, candidates recruited via algorithms remained in their job 15% longer than those hired by HR. Algorithms help to improve candidate selection and reduce the potential for a bad hire.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) : Often referred to as the ‘fourth industrial revolution’, artificial intelligence (AI) is a machine that is capable of imitating intelligent human behaviour, which includes making decisions and performing basic tasks such as problem solving, planning and learning. AI automates repetitive and mundane admin tasks, including screening and applicant updates throughout the hiring process. It is also behind the rise in chatbots and the use of video screening.
Chatbots : Short for chat robot, chatbots are becoming more prolific in talent acquisition. Like Apple’s Siri or Amazon’s Alexa, chatbots in recruitment use artificial intelligence (eg, machine learning - see below) to comprehend questions and respond. Chatbots can be used across different platforms, including e-mail, messaging apps and through your applicant tracking software. Chatbots are designed to simulate conversations with visitors to your careers site and are rapidly becoming an essential tech tool for high volume recruitment. Used effectively, chatbots add a more engaging and interactive element to your hiring process. A survey carried out earlier this year found that over half of candidates are comfortable interacting with chatbots during the application process.[1]
Gamification : Gamification applies the common elements of game playing to other areas of online activity, including marketing. In recruitment it is frequently used by graduate employers, including Lloyds Banking Group, Deloitte and in PwC’s popular Multipoly to attract young talent and create a more engaging candidate experience. Incorporate gamification into your recruitment process through your HR technology.
Machine learning : Similar to artificial intelligence, machine learning provides AI with the algorithms that make it more intelligent. In hiring, machine learning can reduce your time to hire and is used to automate candidate screening, often utilising the data available in your recruitment analytics relating to your most successful hires. Sophisticated machine learning algorithms in HR software can be used to evaluate the potential cultural fit of a candidate through language choice and even facial expressions.
People analytics : People analytics combines data and analysis to gain insight into a range of issues related to your employees, including leadership, performance management and recruitment. For more insight, please see our previous article which provides a more detailed introduction to people analytics.
Sentiment analysis : It may not be a term you are familiar with but sentiment analysis interprets the effect that language has on people, whether negative, positive or neutral. In recruitment it can be used to analyse the impact of the wording of your job posts. For example, last we year we reported that by replacing the word ‘hacker’ with ‘developer’ in their job posts, social media platform Buffer saw an increase in the number of female candidates applying to their vacancies. HR analytics in your recruitment software provide more insight into how the use of specific words can deter talent from apply to your jobs. Software which uses sentiment analysis can also suggest more suitable words to attract a more diverse talent pool.
The Turing Test : The Turing Test was conceived by scientist Alan Turing in 1950 based on the premise 'can machines think?' Today it refers to the potential for artificial intelligence to convince people they are interacting with a person rather than a machine. One of the most successful examples is the Mitsuku chatbot which has been awarded the 2017 Loebner Prize[2] (based on the Turing Test) for the third time but has yet to convince the judges it is human. It's a term you may hear more of in relation to AI as automation in the workplace rises.