• 如何计算休假时间
    【HR术语】什么是替代时间(What is time in lieu?) 什么是替代时间? 所谓 "代替时间",也称 "代替休假 "或 "TOIL",是指个人以休假代替加班费。它是雇主可以提供的一种特殊福利,可以为员工创造更灵活的工作环境。 人力资源领导为什么要关注 "代休"? 人们通常希望有代班时间,这就是为什么它值得考虑作为吸引求职者的一种方式。这对组织也是有利的。 代休政策的好处包括: 为员工提供更多的自由时间,而当今的专业人士通常对自由时间的重视程度甚至超过了额外的报酬 作为一种激励机制,鼓励人们在紧迫的截止日期前更加努力地工作,因为他们会在工作后获得休假时间 让员工有更多时间放松身心,从而减少职业倦怠,提高工作绩效 减少组织需要支付的加班费用 人力资源领导者该如何管理代休时间? 提供 "以假代薪 "可为企业带来巨大利益。要使计划取得成功,必须考虑以下几点: 如何计算休假时间 计算休假时间很简单。无论加班多少小时或多少天,都有权获得相应的补休时间。因此,如果一个星期工作 50 个小时,而不是合同规定的 40 个小时,他们就可以额外获得 10 个小时的休假时间。 代替休假协议 如果您选择为员工提供 "代替休假",那么在您的员工协议中加入一项关于如何使用 "代替休假 "的政策是非常重要的。在该政策中,您可能需要包括以下指导原则: 团队成员可以累积多少 TOIL 员工何时可以使用 TOIL TOIL 日的有效期有多长 使用考勤跟踪软件管理替假流程 当然,准确记录加班和请假时间非常重要。这可以通过标准 Excel 电子表格、考勤表或更简单的考勤跟踪软件来完成。 考勤跟踪软件可以自动处理时间管理的所有方面,包括代班时间。员工和管理人员可以输入加班时间,说明他们将获得时间补偿,这些时间将自动计算并添加到他们的可用休假时间中。 为什么应将 "时间替代 "作为现代人力资源战略的一部分? 在这个世界上,工作与生活的平衡就像薪水一样,是一个职位的重要吸引力所在,因此 "时间替代 "政策非常值得考虑。提供时间补偿可以帮助企业吸引更多求职者,改善员工体验,提高绩效,甚至降低成本。 以下为文章原文: What is time in lieu? Time in lieu, also referred to as time off in lieu or TOIL, is when a person takes time off as an alternative to pay for overtime hours. It is a specific type of benefit employers can offer, creating a more flexible workforce. Why should HR leaders care about time in lieu? People often want time in lieu, which is why it’s worth considering as a way to attract job candidates. It’s also advantageous for the organization. The benefits of a time off in lieu policy include: Offering people more free time, something today’s professionals often value as much or more than additional compensation Serving as a motivator that encourages people to work harder toward a tight deadline because they’ll receive time off afterward Giving people more time to relax and unwind, reducing burnout and improving performance Decreasing the amount of overtime the organization has to pay for What can HR leaders do to manage time in lieu? Offering time in lieu can significantly benefit the business. To make the program a success, it’s important to consider the following: How to calculate time off in lieu Calculating time off in lieu is simple. For any number of hours or days someone works overtime, they will be entitled to that amount of time off in lieu. So if they work 50 hours in a week instead of the 40 their contract stipulates, they would be granted an additional 10 hours of time off. Time off in lieu agreements If you choose to offer time off in lieu to your people, it’s important to include a policy for how it works in your employee agreement. In this policy, you may want to include guidelines for: How much TOIL team members can accumulate When people can take their TOIL For how long TOIL days remain valid Managing the time off in lieu process with time and attendance tracking software Naturally, it’s important to accurately record both overtime and time taken in lieu. This can be done through standard Excel spreadsheets, timesheets, or–more easily–with time and attendance tracking software. Attendance tracking software can automate all facets of time management, including time in lieu. Employees and managers will be able to input overtime hours, indicate that they will be compensated with time in lieu, and the hours will automatically be calculated and added to their available time off. Why should time in lieu be a part of the modern HR strategy? In a world where work-life balance is as significant a part of the appeal of a position as a salary, a time in lieu policy is well worth considering. Offering time in lieu can help businesses attract more candidates, improve the employee experience, boost performance, and even reduce costs.