• 特定职位
    【HR术语】什么是绩优加薪?(What is a merit increase?) 什么是绩优加薪? 绩优加薪是公司为工作成绩或业绩突出的专业人员提供的加薪。根据行业和公司的不同,绩效加薪可以是每年一次,也可以根据完成的项目进行加薪。 绩效加薪与加薪 通常情况下,公司每年或每半年为全体员工、部门或特定职位加薪一次。加薪可确保公司的薪酬具有竞争力,并与生活成本保持一致。如果员工认为自己的薪酬过低,要求加薪是完全可以接受的,但加薪并不一定与绩效挂钩。 而绩效加薪则与工作表现直接相关。企业为特定职位上的高价值专业人员提供绩效加薪,以奖励、鼓励和赞赏他们的工作效率和成就。 什么是标准的绩优加薪? 平均绩优加薪幅度约为个人当前工资的 3%。根据个人的绩效和对公司的价值,绩效加薪的幅度通常从绩效较低者的 1% 到绩效较高专业人员的 10% 不等。 了解公司如何对待绩效加薪非常重要。专业人士应在面试过程中专门讨论这个话题,以正确衡量公司的年度薪酬政策是否符合他们的期望和需求。 公司为什么要择优加薪? 公司通过绩优加薪来表彰优秀员工的成就和奉献精神。绩优加薪还可以激发每个人提高工作质量的动力,从而提高工作效率。最终,通过激励员工提高工作绩效,公司可以建立一种富有成效、以目标为导向的工作文化,并提高公司的底线。 人力资源领导者为什么要关注绩优加薪? 虽然绩效加薪肯定不是留住人才的唯一方法,但它可以起到帮助作用。通过对表现出色的员工给予额外的奖励,公司表明了对他们及其贡献的重视。因此,绩效加薪是另一种表达 "谢谢你,我们感谢你的服务 "的方式。 一个精心设计且行之有效的绩优加薪计划,奖励值得奖励的专业人员,可以提高员工的留用率、生产率和参与度。 保持高素质员工的参与度和积极性,可以最大限度地减少公司必须招聘和雇佣新人的数量,从而降低成本。此外,实施计划周密的绩效加薪制度还有助于留住为公司成功做出重大贡献的优秀团队成员。 哪些人应该获得绩效加薪? 绩效加薪并不适合所有人,这没有关系。 不是每个人都是高绩效员工。此外,在数年或数十年内额外增加 3% 至 5% 的薪酬可能代价高昂。 这就是为什么绩效加薪只适用于那些有杰出成就并直接推动业务目标实现的专业人士。 确保只有在制定了绩效加薪标准、评估了绩效考核并由高管审查了每位候选人之后,才会为员工提供绩效加薪。 如何计算绩效加薪? 要了解如何计算绩效加薪,让我们来看一个例子。 假设您为一位目前年薪为 80,000 美元并按月领取工资的员工提供 3% 的绩效加薪。 当前工资 x 绩效加薪百分比 = 年加薪 80,000 x .03 = 每年加薪 2,400 新工资/每年的工资额=新月薪 82,400 / 12= 6,866.66 美元为确保绩优加薪幅度在预算和职位薪资范围之内,人力资源领导者可以与薪酬经理合作,建立一个绩优矩阵--一个易于阅读的网格,显示准确的计算结果和有竞争力的加薪幅度。 人力资源领导者如何实施绩效加薪? 人力资源领导者可以利用这些指导原则,创建一个能促进员工参与、留住员工和提高生产力的绩效加薪制度: 考虑其他决定性因素。因为绩优加薪并不是提高员工参与度和留任率的唯一因素,所以应首先考虑其他核心人力资源因素: 员工是否拥有舒适工作所需的条件?职位是否提供工作灵活性?公司文化是否包容并接受思想多样性?是否有适当的学习和发展机会?分析完其他核心因素后,您就可以确定绩优加薪。 确定哪些人员有资格获得绩优加薪。要确定哪些职位和人员对企业的成功至关重要,就要评估找人替代该人员或担任该职位的难度。该职位或人员对公司业务目标和战略的影响有多大?在评估员工的职业价值时,应依靠来自多个渠道的数据,如频繁的绩效考核、360 度审查和人才分析。 确定标准。确保标准切合实际。在尊重工作与生活平衡的前提下,你希望这些要求能激发员工努力工作。理想情况下,标准应能激发动力,而不是失望和怨恨。 让每个人都能了解标准。将绩优加薪标准写入员工手册,并向管理人员解释,以此传达标准。这样,专业人员就能了解他们需要达到哪些基准才能获得资格。 经常进行绩效加薪。人力资源部门的领导者可以全年提供绩效加薪,这样,每当员工达到既定目标时,人力资源部门就可以通过有竞争力、有预算的绩效加薪来奖励他们的表现,从而促进员工的参与度和工作效率。 采取综合方法。仅仅依靠绩效加薪并不能达到提高员工敬业度、生产率和留任率的预期效果。然而,将绩优加薪落实到尊重和欣赏员工、提供有竞争力的基本工资以及拥有能够指导员工的经理人的企业文化中,才是企业成功的基础。 为什么绩优加薪应成为现代人力资源战略的一部分? 绩优加薪是人力资源专业人士用来留住人才和提高生产力的绝佳工具。一家公司认可并奖励员工的成就和表现,就表明它欣赏员工及其贡献。如果将绩效加薪纳入员工福利的综合方法中,就能帮助专业人员保持热情和参与度。 以下为文章原文: What is a merit increase? A merit increase is a salary raise companies offer professionals for outstanding work achievements or performance. Depending on the industry and company, merit increases may be provided annually or based on the projects completed. Merit increase vs. pay raise Typically, companies offer pay raises annually or biannually for the entire workforce, department, or specific positions. Pay raises ensure that a company’s salaries are competitive and align with the cost of living. While it’s completely acceptable for people to ask for a raise if they think they’re underpaid, raises aren’t necessarily connected to performance. Merit increases, on the other hand, are directly related to work performance. Businesses offer merit increases to highly valuable professionals in specific positions to reward, encourage, and show appreciation for productivity and accomplishments. What is a standard merit increase? The average merit increase stands at about 3 percent of a person’s current salary. Depending on the person’s performance and value to the company, merit increases typically range anywhere from 1 percent for lower performers to 10 percent for high-performance professionals. Understanding how companies treat merit increases is important. Professionals should address this topic specifically during the interview process to properly gauge whether a company’s annual compensation policies match their expectations and needs. Why do companies give merit increases? Companies incorporate merit increases to recognize top performers’ achievements and dedication. Merit increases can also spur increased workplace productivity by igniting everyone’s drive to improve work quality. Ultimately, by providing an incentive to elevate work performance, the company can build a productive, goal-oriented work culture and increase its bottom line. Why should HR leaders care about merit increases? While merit increases definitely aren’t the only way to retain talent, they can help. By rewarding high-performers with extra compensation, the company demonstrates that it values them and their contributions. Thus, merit increases are another way to say “thank you, we appreciate your service.” A well-designed and effective merit increase program that rewards deserving professionals can boost employee retention, productivity, and engagement. Keeping high-quality employees engaged and motivated can minimize the number of new people a company must recruit and hire, thus reducing costs. Moreover, implementing a well-planned merit increase system can help retain stellar team members who significantly contribute to the company’s success. Who should get a merit increase? Merit increases aren’t for everyone, and that’s okay. Not everyone is a high-performance worker. Furthermore, paying an extra 3-5 percent compensation increase over several years or decades can be costly. That’s why merit increases are intended only for professionals with outstanding achievements who directly drive business goals. Make sure you offer merit increases to people only after undergoing a process of establishing merit increase criteria, evaluating performance reviews, and having executives review each candidate. How do you calculate a merit increase? To understand how to calculate a merit increase, let’s take a look at an example. Say you offer a 3 percent merit increase to someone who currently earns $80,000 annually and receives a monthly paycheck. Current salary x merit increase percent = annual raise 80,000 x .03 = 2,400 annual raise New salary/amount of paychecks per year = new monthly salary 82,400 / 12= $6,866.66To ensure that the merit increase is within budget and the position’s salary range, HR leaders can collaborate with compensation managers to build a merit matrix–an easy-to-read grid that displays accurate calculations and competitive salary increases. What can HR leaders do to implement merit increases? HR leaders can create a merit increase system that promotes employee engagement, retention, and productivity using these guidelines: Look at other determining factors. Because merit increases aren’t the only components involved in driving engagement and retention, consider other central HR factors first: Do people have what they need to work comfortably? Does the position offer work flexibility? Is the company culture inclusive and accepting of thought diversity? Are there appropriate learning and development opportunities? Once you’ve analyzed the other core factors, you can home in on the merit increase. Determine what qualifies people for a merit increase. To identify which positions and people are vital to business success, evaluate how difficult it is to find someone to replace that person or fill that role. How much does this position or person impact the company’s business goals and strategy? When assessing peoples’ professional worth, rely on data from several channels such as frequent performance reviews, 360-degree reviews, and talent analytics. Define the criteria. Make sure the criteria are realistic. You want the requirements to spark hard work while still respecting work-life balance. The criteria ideally should stimulate motivation rather than disappointment and resentment. Make the criteria accessible to everyone. Communicate the merit increase criteria by including it in the employee handbook and explaining it to managers. This way, professionals can understand which benchmarks they need to reach to qualify. Offer frequent merit increases. HR leaders can provide merit increases throughout the year so that every time an employee reaches a set goal, HR can reward them for their performance with a competitive, budgeted merit increase that drives engagement and productivity. Take a holistic approach. Relying on merit increases alone won’t create the desired results of increased employee engagement, productivity, and retention. However, implementing merit increases into a company culture that respects and appreciates its people, offers competitive base salaries, and boasts managers who can coach and mentor their people is the foundation of business success. Why should merit increases be part of modern HR strategy? Merit increases are great tools HR professionals can use to boost retention and productivity. A company that recognizes and rewards peoples’ achievements and performances shows that it appreciates its people and their contributions. When incorporated into a comprehensive approach towards employee wellbeing, merit increases can help keep professionals enthusiastic and engaged.
  • 特定职位
    【HR术语】什么是职位定价?(What is job pricing?) 什么是职位定价? 职位定价是指如何为组织内的特定职位确定合适的薪酬。 它包括分析内部和外部的各种因素,以制定一个有竞争力的、公平的薪酬标准,使其与工作职责、要求和市场价值相匹配。它是薪酬战略的重要组成部分。 职位定价的重要性是什么? 制定有竞争力的薪酬方案对于吸引优秀人才加入组织和留住有价值的员工至关重要。如果薪酬低于市场水平,就会导致高离职率,并给招聘有技能的候选人造成困难。 根据员工的工作职责、技能和经验给予合理的薪酬,意味着他们更有可能在工作中感到满意。 这可以激励他们全力以赴,提高工作效率,因为他们会觉得自己的努力得到了认可和回报。 但是,如果工作定价错误,就会造成充满怨恨的工作环境。 影响职位定价的因素有哪些? 工作职责: 一份工作的复杂程度和职责会影响其薪酬水平。责任越大、决策权越大、战略重要性越大的工作通常报酬越高。 技能和经验: 工作所需的技能和专业知识水平也有影响。需要专业技能或丰富经验的工作往往薪酬较高。 行业和地点: 高需求行业或生活成本较高的地区可能会提供更高的薪酬来吸引和留住人才。 内部公平: 职位定价还应考虑确保组织内部薪酬公平的需要。这可以确保具有相似工作角色和职责的人员获得相似的薪酬。 薪酬基准: 这包括使用外部市场数据,如薪酬调查和行业基准,以确定市场上类似工作职位的通用薪酬标准。 职位定价步骤 但具体如何确定职位价格呢?首先,主要是进行全面分析,确定合适的薪酬(使用薪酬分析模板对此很有帮助)。 您可以将职位定价过程分为以下几个步骤: 工作分析: 进行工作分析,了解工作的具体职责和要求。这包括收集有关工作职责、资格和经验水平的数据。 市场调研: 利用薪酬调查和行业报告,了解市场上类似职位的薪酬标准。 内部评估: 通过与组织内的其他职位进行比较,评估该职位的内部价值。这样可以确保薪酬标准的一致性和公平性。 确定薪酬范围: 根据职位分析、市场调研和内部评估,为该职位确定一个有竞争力的薪酬范围。薪酬范围应考虑最低、中点和最高薪酬。 决定个人薪酬: 一旦确定了薪酬范围,就应根据候选人或员工的资历、经验和表现来决定薪酬范围的渗透率(该范围内的具体薪酬)。 职位定价策略和最佳实践 使用多种数据来源(如行业调查、政府数据和市场研究)来确保您的定价准确、公平,这一点非常重要。 请记住,市场是会变化的,因此职位定价应该是薪酬管理流程中的一个常规部分。养成审查和更新薪酬数据的习惯,以便与市场趋势和组织需求的任何变化保持一致。 请记住,职位定价不仅仅指基本工资。最好还要考虑总薪酬,包括福利、奖金和其他激励措施,这样才能吸引并留住顶尖人才。 当然,这应该与贵公司的目标相一致。在进行职位定价时,应考虑公司的财务健康状况、长期可持续发展和留住人才的目标。 同样重要但容易被忽视的是,在职位定价过程中保持对员工的薪酬透明度。这有助于解决薪酬不平等问题,并建立员工信任。 遵循这些最佳实践,您就能制定出成功的职位定价策略,让员工和企业都能从中受益。 以下为文章原文: What is job pricing? Job pricing is how you establish the right compensation or salary for a specific job within an organization. It involves analyzing various factors, both internal and external, to set a competitive and fair pay rate that matches the job’s responsibilities, requirements, and market value. It’s an essential part of your compensation strategy. What is the importance of job pricing? Creating a competitive pay package is crucial for attracting top talent to the organization and retaining valuable employees. If the pay is below market rates, it can lead to a high turnover rate and create difficulties in hiring skilled candidates. Giving people fair compensation for their job responsibilities, skills, and experience means they’re more likely to feel satisfied at work. It can motivate them to perform at their best and increase their productivity because they’ll feel that their efforts are recognized and rewarded. Get the job pricing wrong, though, and it can contribute to a work environment rife with resentment. What are the factors affecting job pricing? Job responsibilities: A job’s complexity and responsibilities influence its pay rate. Jobs with greater levels of responsibility, decision-making authority, and strategic importance usually get higher compensation. Skill and experience: The level of skill and expertise needed for a job has an impact, too. Jobs that require specialized skills or extensive experience tend to come with higher salaries. Industry and location: High-demand industries or locations with a higher cost of living may offer more pay to attract and retain talent. Internal equity: Job pricing should also consider the need to ensure equity of pay rates within the organization. It ensures that people with similar job roles and responsibilities receive similar compensation. Salary benchmarking: This involves using external market data, such as salary surveys and industry benchmarks, to identify common pay rates for similar job positions in the market. Job pricing steps But how exactly do you set the job price? To start off with, it mainly involves carrying out a thorough analysis to determine the right salary (it’s helpful to use a compensation analysis template for this). You can break the job pricing process into the following steps: Job analysis: Carry out a job analysis to understand the specific responsibilities and requirements of the job. This includes gathering data on job duties, qualifications, and experience levels. Market research: Use salary surveys and industry reports to understand the pay rates for similar job positions in the market. Internal evaluation: Evaluate the job’s internal worth by comparing it to other roles within the organization. This ensures that pay rates are consistent and fair. Establish a compensation range: Based on the job analysis, market research, and internal evaluation, establish a competitive compensation range for the position. The range should consider the minimum, midpoint, and maximum salaries. Decide on individual salaries: Once you establish the compensation range, you’ll decide on the salary range penetration (the exact salary within that range) based on a candidate’s or employee’s qualifications, experience, and performance. Job pricing strategies and best practices It’s important to use multiple data sources, such as industry surveys, government data, and market research, to ensure your pricing is accurate and fair. Keep in mind that markets do change—so job pricing should be a regular part of your compensation management process. Make a habit of reviewing and updating compensation data to align with market trends and any changes to your organization’s needs. Remember, job pricing doesn’t just refer to base salaries. It’s also best to consider total compensation, including benefits, bonuses, and other incentives—so you can attract and retain top talent. Of course, this should be consistent with your organization’s goals. Consider your company’s financial health, long-term sustainability, and retention objectives when carrying out the job pricing process. What’s equally important, but can be overlooked, is maintaining pay transparency with your people about the job pricing process. It can help with tackling pay inequality and builds employee trust. By following these best practices, you’ll be setting yourself up with a successful job pricing strategy—one that benefits both your employees and the organization.