• 独立App
    【动态】微软宣布关闭LinkedIn中国版本,推出新版InJobs 的纯粹独立的工作APP,不包括发帖和分享等社交功能 领英中国官方微信发布: 领英的使命是连接全球职场人士,并帮助他们事半功倍,发挥所长。 为了更好地服务中国用户,我们决定对目前的战略进行调整,于今年内发布一系列全新的产品及服务,将更加专注于提供“连接职业机会”的价值。与此同时,我们对于企业客户的使命与承诺始终不变,将继续在人才和品牌双方面助力中国企业的国际化发展,从而更好地连接全球商业机会。未来可期!  领英VP Mohak Shroff 在LinkedIn博客中谈到: 我们决定于2014年2月在中国推出LinkedIn的本土化版本,是因为我们的使命是连接全世界的专业人士,使他们更有效率和成功。We recognized that operating a localized version of LinkedIn in China would mean adherence to requirements of the Chinese government on Internet platforms. While we strongly support freedom of expression, we took this approach in order to create value for our members in China and around the world. We also established a clear set of guidelines to follow should we ever need to re-evaluate our localized version of LinkedIn in China. 这一战略使我们能够在过去七年里驾驭我们的中国本土化版LinkedIn的运作,以帮助我们在中国的会员找到工作、分享和保持信息。虽然我们在帮助中国会员寻找工作和经济机会方面取得了成功,但在分享和保持信息等更多的社交方面,我们并没有找到同样的成功水平。我们还面临着一个明显更具挑战性的运营环境,以及在中国的更多合规要求。鉴于此,我们已经决定在今年晚些时候关闭目前的LinkedIn本地化版本,这是中国人访问LinkedIn全球社交媒体平台的方式。 我们在中国的新战略是把重点放在帮助中国的专业人士在中国找到工作,以及帮助中国公司找到高质量的候选人。今年晚些时候,我们将为中国推出InJobs,一个新的、独立的工作应用程序。InJobs将不包括社交反馈或分享帖子或文章的功能。我们还将继续与中国企业合作,帮助他们创造经济机会。 这一决定与我们为全球劳动力的每一个成员创造经济机会的承诺相一致。虽然这已经是我们近二十年来的愿景,但在我们努力建立一个为全世界人民带来更多繁荣和进步的全球经济时,它感觉比以往更加重要。 Our decision to launch a localized version of LinkedIn in China in February 2014 was driven by our mission to connect the world's professionals to make them more productive and successful. We recognized that operating a localized version of LinkedIn in China would mean adherence to requirements of the Chinese government on Internet platforms. While we strongly support freedom of expression, we took this approach in order to create value for our members in China and around the world. We also established a clear set of guidelines to follow should we ever need to re-evaluate our localized version of LinkedIn in China. This strategy has enabled us to navigate the operation of our localized version of LinkedIn in China over the past seven years to help our members in China find a job, share and stay informed. While we’ve found success in helping Chinese members find jobs and economic opportunity, we have not found that same level of success in the more social aspects of sharing and staying informed. We’re also facing a significantly more challenging operating environment and greater compliance requirements in China. Given this, we’ve made the decision to sunset the current localized version of LinkedIn, which is how people in China access LinkedIn’s global social media platform, later this year. Our new strategy for China is to put our focus on helping China-based professionals find jobs in China and Chinese companies find quality candidates. Later this year, we will launch InJobs, a new, standalone jobs application for China. InJobs will not include a social feed or the ability to share posts or articles. We will also continue to work with Chinese businesses to help them create economic opportunity. This decision aligns with our commitment to creating economic opportunity for every member of the global workforce. While that has been our vision for nearly two decades now, it feels more important than ever as we all strive to build a global economy that delivers more prosperity and progress to people all over the world.
  • 独立App
    LinkedIn推出了仅保留“找工作”功能的独立App-LinkedIn Job Search 今天,LinkedIn 推出了自己的移动端职位搜索独立 App— LinkedIn Job Search,只提供了 LinkedIn 的核心功能,搜索和申请工作。这款应用跟其 Web 端以及主应用相比最大的不同还在于“保证隐私”,用户在LinkedIn Job Search上的所有操作都不会出现在LinkedIn.com上。   用户可以根据头衔、城市、公司、行业或级别搜索目标职位,据用户的搜索记录,你查看过的工作及 LinkedIn 简介,该服务会为你个性化推荐新的机会。当你关注的某个工作招聘快结束时,当某 HR 看了你的申请时,或者有跟你相匹配的工作时,LinkedIn 都会给你通知提醒。   由于这款应用主要目的是为那些求职的用户服务,所以你在LinkedIn.com上看到的那些新闻、好友信息更新将不会出现在这款应用里。目前这款应用仅支持美区用户下载使用。   LinkedIn 表示,其 3 亿用户中的 40% 通过移动端使用自己的服务,这点当然是其推出该应用的最直接动力。不过我们也可以这样理解,Web 端服务可以是一艘大船,但移动端应用应该是单品,LinkedIn 现在是 Job Search 和基于 LinkedIn 关系的Pulse。Facebook 也拆分出了 Instagram、Facebook Messenger、Whatsapp、和新闻阅读器Paper。   【文章整理自:36氪,pingwest】