凯业必达(CareerBuilder)将这款使用了AI、AR和超本地搜索(hyperlocal search)的应用作为人力资源市场的一大进步,而凯业必达(CareerBuilder)已经在这个市场参与了25年。
国际数据公司(IDC)的研究经理凯尔·拉格纳斯(Kyle Lagunas)在一份声明中表示:“凯业必达(CareerBuilder)夯实基础,并希望‘拥有’人才获取和求职方面的移动体验”。“在移动优先的世界和复杂的劳动环境中,这是一个战略性的举措和差异化举措。”凯业必达(CareerBuilder)投资于将AI和机器学习整合到他们的解决方案和移动产品中,旨在为雇主和求职者带来更丰富,更直观的体验,从而加速结果。”
凯业必达(CareerBuilder)的首席产品官Humair Ghauri在一份声明中说:“凯业必达(CareerBuilder)正在利用这种数字游牧的趋势,为就业市场提供一种不同于当今市场上任何东西的移动服务。” “我们正在利用近25年的求职者转换,来帮助雇主和人才随时随地建立更深入的移动体验。我们还帮助为现代劳动力提供所需的技能。我们的目标是通过在人才招聘,就业筛选和HCM软件解决方案中创造移动革命,来调动求职和招聘的每一步。”
原文链接:CareerBuilder’s mobile app uses AR and AI to help your job search
人力资源和工作流程——生产力系统 HR & the flow of work – Systems of Productivity文/J Jerry Moses
在TechHR18会议的第2天,德勤(Deloitte)的Bersin创始人乔什•伯辛(Josh Bersin)对新一代招聘、管理、学习、职业和员工体验工具是如何从根本上扰乱市场进行了分析。
以下是Josh Bersin在TechHR 18会议上对人力资源技术趋势的一些见解:
On Day 2 of TechHR18, Josh Bersin,Founder of Bersin by Deloitte, presents a research-based analysis of how a new generation of recruiting, management, learning, career, and employee experience tools are radically disrupting the marketplace
Micro trends are driving change – changes in the HR technology landscape, the way we work, and particularly, the changes in how organizations are being managed and are managing. The world of HR and HR tech is undergoing a significant shift. HR is now over Cloud, Social and Mobile – this is the time for a new breed of systems - intelligent platform strategies that are making HR and its processes real-time, productive, agile and data-driven.
But “Nothing in technology makes sense unless its aligned with the business problems we are trying to solve” as Josh Bersin says. Here are a few insights on HR tech trends from Josh Bersin’s session at TechHR’18.
Technology, Automation, Robotics are here and they work!
According to Bersin’s research, 45 percent of companies are still focused on basic process automation. The business ecosystem is almost a decade into the economic growth, and has a plethora of generations working together in it. We are living longer, the average career spans 70-75 years, and technology is disrupting where we work along with our daily lives. Most of HCM trends, technology, robotics, AI, automation, is actually becoming real. However, we don’t know what to deal with it all because most companies are still struggling with the challenges of the right skills, structures, organizational design, and rewards systems.
Productivity is an issue!
Productivity is lagging. The real key for HR going forward is becoming the Chief of Productivity. If employees use products and tools that the organizations provide to them, employes will feel better, happier, and engaged. And this is the secret of what is going to happen to HR technology – building systems for the HR that make people productive. With agility, team-centric organizations, burnout is becoming an issue while employee engagement and communication tools are overwhelming employees. This is the time for businesses to build HR software that really improves productivity and helps teams work better together?
Business as a social enterprise!
CEOs are now being asked to take social positions on topics and act on behalf of communities, stakeholders, shareholders, and employees and customers. The future of business is in becoming a socially conscious enterprise and here, the most important thing would to be to develop a technology strategy that provides purpose, meaning, transparency and fairness. Businesses can no longer afford to buy technology that implements practices that someone else coded.
Continuous Performance Management has a huge impact – get the tools
Continuous performance management is transformative. It really and truly works! Ratings will not go anywhere but the crucial part will be to build newer and continuous processes for goal setting, coaching, evaluation, and feedback. This is time for organizations to reconsider performance philosophy. Even with the success of the cloud HCM vendors in the market, a comprehensive solution for performance management is not available. “Team-centric” tools will be the future of HCM market in the future.
Big HR Tech vendors are not keeping up
Most of the ERP vendors are struggling to keep up with the evolution and changes in the business ecosystem. ERP vendors are not getting good marks for ease of use, integration, or value to the end users or employees. There is a stiff competition in the ERP market and it is becoming crowded.
Talent management is done!
The whole idea of Talent Management was about pre-hire to retire. But we don’t work like that anymore. Most of us work at many companies during our careers and organizations are also going through change, disruption and reorganization. Managing employees through the entire lifecycle is not really the problem but managing employees in a new management environment that is about teams, empowerment, mission, purpose, clarity and transparency of goals. It’s a totally different management environment and we need tools to deal with that.
How we pay people will be disrupted
The most disrupted area of HR to come is the way we pay people. Only 1 in 5 companies believes that their rewards system is actually aligned with their corporate strategy. We are still paying people the way we did in the past — salary bands, annul reviews, policies of secrecy and who is getting paid what – all this will be disrupted and we will have a whole new set of tools for employee experience.
Corporate Learning is the real deal!
Platforms like Degreed and Edcast are transforming corporate learning — experience platforms, micro-learning platforms, modernized LMS systems, AI-based systems to recommend learning, find learning, and deliver learning, and Virtual Reality-based learning are giving employees and organizations all the things they need.
Employee wellbeing market has the true potential
It’s all about the moments that matter. There is a need to improve productivity but there is a significant impetus on employee wellbeing, reducing the cognitive overload and augmenting human performance. This vendor market is moving fast. The new world of work will be about “engagement, productivity, and wellbeing” all in one.
ONA software market is now growing
With the explosion of HRMS data, wellbeing data, networking data, among many other forms of structured and unstructured data, HR is struggling to deal issues of ethics, privacy, and becoming more transparent about the analytics they are doing. The Organizational Network Analytics is growing and so is a new world of “relationship analytics”. People Analytics will guarantee success.
Getting into the Flow of Work
Employee experience is the buzzword and we are trying to reform it in a way that applies and improves the work experience of every individual in an organization. Organizations define employee experience as a project of looking at the moments that matter, transitions, periods of time in career where one is stressed and what can HR do to make that easier. But none of the tools are designed to measure or map something like this. All tools are designed for the HR function, not this. There is a new category of software being built to help HR with the employee experience - to shield employees from the complexities of the backend HR systems and deliver all the different things the HR does in the flow of work.
有关智能自动化将如何改变人力资源功能的见解Insights On How Intelligent Automation Will Change The HR Function文/ Darren Burton
麦肯锡全球研究所(McKinsey Global Institute)最近的一项研究发现,60%的职业至少有30%的构成工作可以实现自动化,而全球3%至14%的劳动力将需要转换职业类别。
As a business executive and HR leader, it’s hard to keep track of all the predictions associated with the future of intelligent automation. For example, a recent study by the McKinsey Global Institute identified that 60 percent of occupations have at least 30 percent of constituent work activities that could be automated, and that three to fourteen percent of the global workforce will need to switch occupational categories. These studies make a series of assumptions regarding the types of jobs that will be automated, the pace at which automation will occur, and the various governmental policies that will help or hinder the adoption of these types of technologies.
In today’s market, intelligent automation skills are at a premium.ISTOCK
Regardless of exact magnitude of the change, it’s pretty clear that intelligent automation is going to directly impact HR in a variety of ways—from the role it needs to play within an organization, to the services it needs to provide, to the way HR-related work actually gets accomplished. Within KPMG, as we continue to work with clients in this space and look to transform our own internal HR capability, it is safe to say that HR will play a central role in helping the organization do a few key things:
Dig deeper into how to best enable employee performance.
As much of our early experience has demonstrated, automation can eliminate repetitive tasks and potentially free up a portion of a worker’s overall day. This, of course, raises a whole range of potential questions: What should employees do with the remainder of their time? How do we provide them with the skills needed to handle different tasks? Should their performance be assessed differently? How do they “learn the basics” when basic-level tasks are now handled by an intelligent system? These are precisely the types of questions that the HR professional of the future must be able to help business leaders answer so that they can design jobs and shift roles to make the most of employees’ skills and capabilities.
Plan for a future dependent on IA skills.
In today’s market, intelligent automation skills are at a premium. As one New York Times article joked, “Salaries are spiraling so fast that some joke the tech industry needs a National Football League-style salary cap on A.I. specialists.” Figuring out the skills that are needed to develop, train, and maintain intelligent automation systems and then determining the best way to either build, buy, or borrow those skills can make the difference between spending too much or too little in this marketplace. It will also help in building a value proposition that can attract the right talent to meet a company’s current and future needs.
Prepare leaders to manage the transformation.
The opportunities offered by intelligent automation are equaled by the potential magnitude of change executives will face as they come to terms with significant shifts in their industries and business models. In addition to balancing marketplace shifts with delivery on short-term expectations, they will need to provide guidance to team members who may be going through their own personal and professional transformations. The need to set realistic expectations, involve people in the change process, and help individuals adjust to a world of digital and human labor will test the capabilities of even seasoned change leaders.
Interested in learning more about people challenges associated with intelligent automation? KPMG partners Mark Spears, Robert Bolton, and David Brown have authored two important perspectives, “Rise of the Humans” and “Rise of the Humans 2,” that provide useful insights into the topic.