G Suite中的Google+可获得内容标记,自定义流和更多参与度指标
未来三天,谷歌有更多的Google+新闻要分享,但这次是个好消息。这家互联网巨头已经披露了一系列新功能,这些新功能将在企业内部为G Suite用户引入Google+。
谷歌产品经理David Conway在一篇博客文章中表示:“我们希望让所有员工更轻松地参与到整个组织的对话中,那些想在电子邮件或聊天线程之外保持专注的无办公桌员工。”
在其它地方,谷歌还宣布它将很快激活一个名为“自定义流”(custom streams)的新功能,管理员可以创建一个定制的内容流,允许员工关注和参与特定人员或特定主题的帖子。例如,自定义流可能包括来自高级管理人员的所有帖子,允许普通员工就关键问题进行讨论。或者,自定义流可以基于特定的主题制定特定标签。
数据和指标是G Suite的主要卖点——上个月,Google 推出了一个新的Work Insights工具,揭示了公司内部的G Suite采用率和协作率。与此类似,Google + 已经提供了用户参与指标, 例如围绕Google+社区的用户活动数据。很快,谷歌将提供后期分析,以便人们可以看到他们的内容是如何在整个组织中收到的—— 例如,如果更多人在销售中比在营销中阅读帖子的话。
原文链接:Google+ in G Suite gets content tagging, custom streams, and more engagement metrics
谷歌G Suite发布新工具Work Insights,旨在帮助企业更好地了解其工作方式
Google宣布推出G Suite一个集成的招聘应用程序
文/Simone Stolzoff
Laszlo Bock是HR世界里的摇滚明星。
在谷歌——一家在“最佳工作场所”名单上常年受到追捧的公司,他管理人力资源达十年 之久;之后他写下了《重新定义团队:谷歌如何工作》成为《纽约时报》(New York Times)打造企业文化的畅销书;然后,他创办了自己的公司Humu。
在两年的大部分时间里,Humu 以隐身模式运作。尽管该公司很少错过讨论其使命的机会——“推动人们每天都做最好的自己”——但它几乎没有提供公司实际行动的细节,甚至在5月份宣布已筹集4000万美元风险投资后也是如此。
在一篇博客文章中,Bock描述了Humu的旗舰产品——Nudge Engine。这是一款使用行为科学和机器学习的应用程序,可以在整个工作日为员工提供个性化的“轻推”服务。“轻推”可以简单地提醒您要感谢一位做得很好的同事,或者在会议期间征求一位比较安静的团队成员的意见。
虽然“轻推”这个词可能有一种柔和的含义,但是Humu技术的基础理论来自于硬科学。去年,Richard Thaler教授因其对“ 轻推理论 ”(nudge theory)的研究获得了诺贝尔经济学奖,他的研究证明了小的提示对人们的行为有很大的影响。
Humu适合更大的教练网络趋势,在这个趋势中,公司实施人工智能工具来指导员工的整个工作日。 Chorus为销售人员提供实时反馈。Textio 让招聘经理知道在他们的岗位上使用的最佳语言。
原文链接:After two years in stealth mode, the former head of HR at Google reveals his new startup
据VentureBeat报道,谷歌于10月2日收购了一家人工智能客服公司Onward,收购金额未公开。该公司的高层Remi-CassART和PrAMod TaMaiaAh以及其他一些员工将加入谷歌。Onward至今已在两轮投资中筹集了12万美元的资金。该团队在公司网站上发布的信息中写道,“我们从允许计算机参与自然的、人性化的对话开始。很高兴能把我们的技术带给谷歌。”
Onward的企业聊天平台利用自然语言处理系统从客户的消息中提取有意义的内容,还能利用诸如位置、登录状态和历史活动的记录,对客户提出的问题作出个性化且符合语境的回答。通过集成Zendesk、Help Scout、Salesforce、Hub.、Shopify、Spree和Solitus等客服软件,Onward的客服机器人可以自动跟踪会话、添加线索,并跟踪出货和订单。在其面向业务的软件首次亮相之前,它启动了一个虚拟助理Agent Q,能够根据命令提供产品推荐。Agent Q依赖于人工代理和数据聚合系统,从整个网络获取消费者评论和价格。
谷歌在几个月前发布了Contact Center AI,是一个可机器学习的虚拟电话客服。复杂的自然语言处理系统使它能提供解决常见问题的方法。如果虚拟客服不能解决呼叫者的问题,它会转到人工客服。在各类虚拟客服如Contact Center AI、eBay的ShopBot等的推动下,到2024年,全球聊天机器人市场有望超过13.4亿美元。
谷歌G Suite发布新工具Work Insights,旨在帮助企业更好地了解其工作方式文/Frederic Lardinois
据外媒今日报道,Google在东京活动上宣布推出Work Insights,这是一种新工具,可以让企业更深入地了解员工应该如何使用公司的G Suite生产力工具,以及团队如何使用这些工具进行协作。
此外,谷歌还推出了调查工具,帮助企业更好地保护其在G Suite中的数据,使其具有一般可用性。
G Suite的产品经理Reena Nadkarni在今天的公告中解释说:“Work Insights是专门用于帮助企业衡量和了解G Suite推动组织内数字化转型影响的工具。” 数据在团队级别(团队10人及以上)进行汇总,以帮助企业了解其员工如何调整G Suite应用程序。
当企业押注于某个供应商时,总会有一段过渡期,不是每个人都能像其他人一样快速地采取行动。然而,只有当整个公司都采用了这些工具时,这些工具才能真正发挥作用。对于像Slack,Hangouts Chat / Meet或Microsoft Teams这样的通信工具尤其如此,对于像G Suite这样的生产力工具来说尤其如此。
不过,这里的其他用例实际上更有趣。Work Insights还可以让公司了解不同团队中的用户如何互相交流(比如营销和销售团队)。如果他们一起处理文档,那么他们也可能在一起工作得很好(或者只是在营销演示中留下尖刻的评论,但是在这里你可以大致了解到)。
Nadkarni写道:“这种洞察可以帮助高管找到加强合作和减少孤立的机会。” 很少有高管表示他们希望减少协作和更多的困境,因此,我们很可能会看到更多公司采用这些工具。
原文链接: Google’s Work Insights helps businesses better understand how they work
Google宣布推出G Suite一个集成的招聘应用程序
GOOGLE发布关于《一般数据保护条例》(GDPR) 的重要更新为什么特别转载给大家看?
GDPR 这个欧盟关于个人隐私保护的法规整在日益影响者全球的跨国企业以及HR工作者,我们感受到的是国内的厂商或者同仁并没有任何的感知。
如果您的公司有欧盟的业务和雇员,我们强烈建议你即可关注 GDPR!
本函为您于3月23日收到的我方通知的译本。尊敬的合作伙伴:您好!过去一年,我们分享了为达到 GDPR 的要求我们都做了哪些准备。GDPR 是新颁布的一部数据保护法,即将于 2018 年 5 月 25 日生效。不管是欧洲企业还是欧洲以外的企业,只要使用在线广告和衡量解决方案,且有欧洲经济区 (EEA) 内的用户访问其网站和应用,都会受到 GDPR 的影响。为让您和 Google 都能顺利满足 GDPR 中的新要求,今天我们要与您分享针对这部法律我们所做的更多准备工作,包括我们更新后的《欧盟地区用户意见征求政策》、我们的合同条款所做的修改以及我们产品所做的改动。更新后的《欧盟地区用户意见征求政策》我们正在更新 Google 的欧盟地区用户意见征求政策,使之体现 GDPR 中的各项新法律要求。这项政策规定了您在向自己网站和应用的欧洲经济区最终用户披露信息和征求同意方面的责任,而且全球适用,已纳入到大多数 Google 广告和衡量产品的合同中。合同更改自去年 8 月以来,我们陆续更新了很多产品的合同条款,以体现按照这部新法律 Google 的身份是数据处理方还是数据控制方(请参阅我们广告产品的完整分类)。新的 GDPR 条款将成为您与 Google 间现有合同的补充条款,也将于 2018 年 5 月 25 日生效。对于在 DFP 广告管理系统 (DFP)、DoubleClick Ad Exchange (AdX)、AdMob 和 AdSense 服务中处理的个人数据,Google 及其客户均属独立的控制方。这些新条款清楚规定了我们在处理这类数据时各自应承担的责任,并保护您和 Google 在担当控制方身份时享有的相关权益。通过这些条款,我们承诺在使用与上述服务相关的任何个人数据时都会履行 GDPR 规定的我方义务,同时,这些条款也要求您作出同样的承诺。
很快,我们就会面向制定了在线条款的客户,发布适用于 DFP 和 AdX 的控制方-控制方条款。
2018 年 5 月 25 日之前,我们还将面向制定了在线条款的客户发布适用于 AdSense 和 AdMob 的新条款。
如果您使用的是 Google Analytics (GA)、归因工具、优化工具、跟踪代码管理器或数据洞察,无论是免费版还是付费版,对于这些服务中所处理的个人数据,Google 均担当处理方。适用于这些产品的数据处理条款已经更新完毕,点击“管理”→“帐号设置”页面即可接受。如果您是位于欧洲经济区内的 Google Analytics 客户,您的产品使用条款中很快就会包含数据处理条款。欧洲经济区之外的 GA 客户和所有 GA 360 客户均可在各自所用的 GA 中接受这些条款。产品改动为遵守 GDPR 的规定,同时也帮助您达到这些要求,我们正在采取以下措施:
针对 DFP/AdX 程序化交易、AdSense 内容广告、AdSense 游戏广告和 AdMob 推出新的控制工具,让您能够控制哪些第三方可在您的网站和应用上向欧洲经济区用户投放广告和衡量效果。未来几周,我们会向您发送有关这些工具的更多信息。
针对各成员国中未达到 GDPR 所规定自主年龄的儿童,采取措施限制处理其个人信息。
针对 Google Analytics(分析)客户推出新的控制工具,用以管理其数据的保留和删除事宜。
探索适合发布商的用户意见征求解决方案,包括与 IAB Europe(欧洲互动广告局)等行业组织展开合作。
了解详情您可以访问 privacy.google.com/businesses,详细了解 Google 的数据隐私权政策和相关做法;也可以查看我们的数据处理条款和数据控制方条款。如果您对此次更新有任何疑问,欢迎随时咨询您的客户支持团队或通过帮助中心与我们联系。未来几周,我们会继续分享有关我们具体计划的更多信息。此致
Google 团队敬上
OC Tanner是一家专门从事文化和员工认可项目的咨询公司,他发现 20 % 的员工流失率发生在头45天。联合劳动力流动性调查发现,在第一周年之前,有 23% 的新员工流失。BambooHR调查发现,31%的人在六个月的周年纪念之前辞职。
基于超出我理解水平的心理学,这些“推动”不仅是必不可少的提醒; 他们也鼓励Google员工更积极主动。
如果您一直在努力解决办公桌上的秘密问题,那么您可以从博克的书中找出一个页面,然后尝试回到基础知识。谁知道 - 一个简单的电子邮件可能是站在组织闲置和灵感之间的一件事。
以上由HRTECH AI 翻译,仅供参考,英文如下供参考
Google Increased New Employee Productivity by 25 Percent With 1 Email. Here's What You Need to Know
Onboarding, a term used to describe the period between job offer acceptance and assimilation (anywhere from 30 days to a year depending on the organization), is a critical time for new employees. Not only do they have to tackle a steep learning curve while developing vital relationships, but they also have to perform at a level that validates the decision to hire them. It can be nerve-racking, to say the least.
To help new team members adapt, many organizations invest in structured onboarding programs to assist employees with learning new systems, developing interpersonal networks, comprehending their roles, and acculturate.
My obsession with onboarding started a few years back when I was in third-party recruiting. Long story short, after I placed a candidate with a client, that candidate had to outlast a guarantee period (roughly 90 days), or I would owe back the fee I received for placing him or her. And the odds weren't great.
O.C. Tanner, a consulting company that specializes in culture and employee recognition programs, found that 20 percent of employee turnover happens in the first 45 days. An Allied Workforce Mobility Survey found that 23 percent of new employees turnover before their first anniversary. And, a BambooHR survey found that 31 percent had quit a job before their six month anniversary.
My work was cut out for me.
In what started out as a way for me to protect my own pocket, eventually turned into a passion. Not only did implementing onboarding best practices help my candidates outlast their probationary periods, but they flourished. Many are still with the same employer until this day and have made significant impacts.
When done correctly, onboarding can reduce new hire stress, increase engagement, and boost productivity.
In his book, Work Rules Insights From Inside Google That Will Transform How You Live and Lead, Laszlo Bock (Google's former SVP of People) highlighted an internal pilot project that set out to determine the best way to increase Noogler (new Googlers) productivity. The experiment included an email the team sent managers the Sunday before their new employee's first day. It included the following checklist:
1. Have a role-and-responsibilities discussion.
2. Match your Noogler with a peer buddy.
3. Help your Noogler build a social network.
4. Set up onboarding check-ins once a month for your Noogler's first six months.
5. Encourage open dialogue.
While this checklist was almost patronizing in its simplicity, its results were anything but. Google found that the Nooglers whose managers followed this checklist became effective in their roles 25 percent faster than other employees. How was it possible that a simple email could have this big of an impact?
Here are three things I took away from this experiment.
1. Don't over-engineer the onboarding experience.
I made this mistake. When I first set out to develop an onboarding program at Welltower (where I work), I spent a year researching strategy, reading books, and interviewing new employees trying to make sure I thought of everything.
I developed checklists for one to six months with multiple check-ins throughout the employee's first year. Looking back, I would have assigned our managers nearly 50 different tasks. That's too much. At some point, the law of diminishing returns sets in.
Luckily, I have great leaders who helped me condense it down to a 30-day program that emphasized tasks critical to enhancing our new employee's productivity. What we've found is that by focusing on reducing the time-to-productivity, every other stat benefited. This includes engagement, satisfaction, and employee contributions.
This leads me to my next point.
2. Emphasize the basics and leave room for creativity.
Sometimes we can get so caught up in the flashy "nice-to-haves" that we forget the "must-haves." Onboarding new employees isn't rocket science. By over-complicating the process, you run the risk of understating the basics while wiping out room for managers to be creative.
Google's research proves the ironic truth that the simplest things are the ones often forgotten. Hone in on the core components of your assimilation process and give managers the freedom to innovate. At the end of the day, a primary goal of any onboarding program should be to help managers foster better relationships with their employees. We've all heard the saying "People leave managers, not companies."
3. Don't be afraid to drop some hints.
All it takes is a simple reminder. Google found that by "nudging" its managers and employees, they saw a noticeable increase in participation and completion rates.
These subtle "suggestions" did a couple of different things. They reinforced positive behaviors without imposing upon free-will and left room for managers and employees to make it their own.
Based on psychology that is above my level of comprehension, these "nudges" not only served as essential reminders; they also encourage Googlers to be more proactive.
If you've been beating your head against the desk trying to decode the secret to productivity as I did, take a page from Bock's book and try going back to the basics. Who knows--a simple email could be the one thing standing between idleness and inspiration for your organization.
Google做ATS服务了。。刚宣布推出了一个与G Suite集成的新招聘应用程序,直白点讲就是GOOGLE做ATS服务了
还记得5月份Google 发布了 job.google.com 的招聘求职服务吗?不记得可以点击这里http://www.hrtechchina.com/16934.html
现在更进一步了,GOOGLE发布了G Suite的招聘应用套件,把服务更进一步的推进了!将近300万的企业用户可以直接使用google招聘管理服务了。简单讲就是推出ATS 服务了·~~
小编看了下这个是一个标准的利用gmail 、google Calendar ,google sheets来组成的一个简易的服务。
It’s no secret that attracting top talent is a key driver of business success. But whether you’re looking to recruit a business analyst, bring on an assistant or hire an experienced auto mechanic, building the right teams with the right talent takes time and money.
According to a study by Bersin by Deloitte, it takes an average of 52 days to fill an open position and costs about $4,000 to interview, schedule and assess each candidate. At the end of the day, that adds up. Now, Hire–an app designed to help small and medium businesses recruit more effectively–can help.
Recruit better using Hire and G Suite
Hire makes it easy for you to identify talent, build strong candidate relationships and efficiently manage the interview process end-to-end. It integrates seamlessly with G Suite apps like Gmail and Google Calendar, which more than 3 million businesses use, many of them to drive recruiting efforts. With the introduction of Hire, customers now have a hiring app alongside G Suite’s familiar, easy-to-use tools that can help them run an efficient recruiting process.
Hire and G Suite are made to work well together so recruiting team members can focus on their top priorities instead of wasting time copy-pasting across tools. For example, you can:
Communicate with candidates in Gmail or Hire and your emails will sync automatically in both.
Schedule interviews in Hire with visibility into an interviewer's schedule from Calendar. Hire also automatically includes important details in Calendar invites, like contact information, the full interview schedule and what questions each interviewer should focus on.
Track candidate pipeline in Hire, and then analyze and visualize the data in Sheets.
Making intuitive recruiting software for your business
A lot of tools that employees rely on at work are clunky, unintuitive and hard to learn—endless configuration options, tables and lists and mind-numbing data entry. The Hire product team set out to change that. With a mindset of “less is more,” the team conducted hundreds of user-testing sessions and worked with early adopter customers for more than a year to simplify and optimize every aspect of the user experience.
How Hire makes it easy for Brad’s Deals to recruit
Brad’s Deals is a free service that compares online prices to help consumers find the best deals. As a growing organization, recruiting is a top priority for the company. With more than 260 active candidates in their pipeline, Brad’s Deals uses Hire to share candidate information, capture feedback from the interviewing team in one place and track interview progress.
“Hire’s intuitive and simple UI makes it easy for recruiters, hiring managers or even interviewers to take an active part in the recruiting process,” says Jessica Adams, vice president of Human Resources at Brad’s Deals. “The app’s integration with G Suite enables us to quickly access all candidate communications in one place, efficiently schedule interviews and collaborate to reach a hiring decision quickly."
Try Hire today
Hire is the latest product offering from Google to address the talent marketplace. In May, we unveiled Google for Jobs, our initiative that's focused on helping both job seekers and employers, across our products and through deep collaboration with the job matching industry. Google Search connects jobseekers to job opportunities from the open and broad ecosystem of providers, including employer listings as well as LinkedIn, Monster, WayUp, DirectEmployers, CareerBuilder, Glassdoor and Facebook. Hire addresses the needs of our G Suite customers—making it easier to hire the right people.
Now, all U.S.-based businesses under 1,000 employees that use G Suite can purchase Hire to land the best talent. To learn more, visit http://hire.google.com or request a demo at http://hire.google.com/request-demo/.