迈向数字营销新时代,Google 推出了 6 款全新的企业级营销工具说到底,Google 现在的基础业务仍然是广告,在一边收集更多的用户数据来实现广告的精准投放之外,他们也在不断得帮助数字营销这件事情变得更简单。
Google 在 2005 年推出了 Google Analytics 这个免费的网站流量统计服务,现在已经成为了每个做市场营销的人需要了解的一款工具,它可以帮助客户分析不同渠道的广告投放、推广效果,以动态地了解、调整在不同渠道或关键词上的投放汇报。
从去年 Google I/O 大会上推出了 Google Analytics for Apps,早些时间又收购了 Adometry,很显然他们是想搞个大新闻。今天,Google 推出了这套整合数据分析、视觉化工具、A/B 测试以及标记管理的企业级服务,被称为 Google Analytics 360 Suite。
看上去 Google Analytics 360 Suite 很强大,因为它包含了原来的 Google Analytics Premium 和 Adometry,现分别称为 Analytics 360 和 Attribution 360,还将作为开发者工具 Tag MAnager 收入其中。
除此之外,Google 还发布了三个新产品,Audience Center 360、Data Studio 360 以及 Optimize 360,以从数据测试和视觉呈现方面完善 Google Analytics 在营销工具上的不足。
简单介绍一下 Google Analytics 360 Suite 包含的 6 款工具:
Analytics 360:上文中说到,Google Analytics Premium 将更新为 Analytics 360,仍然作为一款用于监测流量,分析消费者对于不同的管道、产品的 touch-pionts(接触点),整合 Google 广告工具,进行更有效的营销策划。
Tag Manager 360:一款为开发者设计的标签管理工具,便于管理和追踪带外挂代码,简化工作流程,加速网站速度,获取跟精准的数据。
Optimize 360:用来进行多个版本的网页 A/B 测试,然后调整为不同的客户提供个性化体验。
Attribution 360:基于原来的 Adometry,帮助广告商分析不同管道、设备或者系统平台上的分发状况,更有效地进行广告资源的分配。
Audience Center 360:整合了 Google 旗下的广告服务 AdWords、DoubleClick 以及第三方平台提供的网站数据、客户关系管理,以帮助营销人员管理大数据,了解消费者行为。
Data Studio 360:以 Google Docs 为基础的数据分析及视觉化工具,可以将数据转换成一目了然的互动式图表,支持多人即时协作。
通过介绍,我们可以看到这 6 个彼此相互集成的工具服务,都旨在将线上营销和数据分析这件事情变得更简单,正如 Google 高级产品主管 Babak Pahlavan 所说:
另外一点,Google 推出这套全面的数字营销工具,也将直接挑战作为 Adobe 三大业务的 Marketing Cloud。这是桌面旧时代与移动新时代之争,就像 Google Docs 与 Office 一样。
目前 Google Analytics 360 Suite 中四个新产品已经开放用户参与测试 Beta 版本,Analytics Premium 和 Adometry 的用户随后也会收到更名以及测试的邀请。
Google在新加坡进行人才收购, 收购新加坡企业级聊天应用 Pie,并关闭Google 宣布收购新加坡公司 Pie,但具体收购价格并没有公布。
Pie 是一款为工作团队而打造的消息应用,覆盖 iOS、Android、Mac 以及网页端等各大平台。该公司曾在 2015年6月 的 A 轮融资中募得 120 万美元。
Google 此次收购目的在于组建新的技术团队,Pie 团队的九名工程师将成为 Google 员工,将于 2月19日 入驻位于新加坡金融中心 Shenton Way 的 Google 办公室,Pie 提供的通信服务也将同步关闭。
Google 副总裁 Caesar Sengupta 表示,他希望能引进更多的新加坡籍海外工程师,特别是在硅谷工作的新加坡籍工程师归国加入该技术团队。
据悉,他将于 3月8日 在 Google 总部山景城举办新加坡籍工程师专场招聘会。Caesar Sengupta 指出,新组建的技术团队将为亚洲数十亿用户服务。相比于欧洲、北美等其他地区,这些用户使用的手机终端更为便宜,手机的硬件缺陷导致互联网连接并不完善,导致目前互联网方面的用户体验较差。
Caesar Sengupta 称,“用户使用的手机技术普遍较为落后,导致用户无法享受完善的互联网服务,因此其用户体验较差。新组建的技术团队将致力于开发新产品和服务,在现有手机硬件环境下为用户提供更好的互联网服务。”
12月24日,客户关系管理公司 Salesforce 以 3.6 亿美元的价格收购了云软件制造商 SteelBrick,这是 Salesforce 近两年来最大的一次收购交易。
SteelBrick 的自动报价服务发展迅速,其报价软件可以和 Salesforce 无缝集成。除了可以为商品算出最合适的报价外,SteelBrick 的工具服务还可以处理订单、合同、开票和支付等业务,这和 Salesforce 本身的业务都是紧密相关的。
投资者认为这是一种征兆,明年云软件领域的并购市场会变得更加活跃。风险投资公司 Emergence Capital 的普通合伙人 Jason Green 说:“从并购的角度来看,2016年 将变得非常有趣。Google 可能是参与收购的公司之一。”
Green 主要关注基于云服务的公司,在过去几年内,已经在投资云服务公司方面取得了成功,其中包括 Salesforce、Box 和 Veeva。
第一波云服务软件创业公司热潮已经退去。2012年,SAP 以 34 亿美元收购 HR 云服务商 SuccessFactors;同年,微软以 12 亿美元收购协作服务商 Yammer;2013年Salesforce 耗资 25 亿美元收购营销服务商 ExactTarget。
随着新兴云软件创业公司的快速崛起,这种格局可能会改变。Green 说:“我们现在开始看到了第二波公司兼并的热潮,IPO 市场和很多后期融资出现了更多的问题,我认为公司在兼并事情上会变得更活跃。”
为 Google 并购做准备
很多资金雄厚的大公司会通过并购而不断强大。Green 指出 Oracle、SAP、Google 和 Microsoft 等公司明年都可能成为大型的并购者。Google 在该领域比较有侵略性,其云解决方案在所有的创业公司中比较流行。
Google 近两年在云服务上的并购情况如下:2014年,Google 收购云计算软件工具提供商 Firebase。Firebase 的产品可以方便工程师在移动应用和网站之间存储和同步数据。同年,谷歌宣布了收购初创公司 Stackdriver,Stackdriver 主要为运行在云平台上的应用提供性能监控服务。今年,Google 今天收购 Web 应用服务器提供商 Talaria,并将其整合至 Google 的云平台上。目前,Google 收购了一家叫做 Bebop 的软件创业公司。Google 在该领域可能还有很多大的动作,他们将要收购更多有潜力的公司。
这并不是第一次有人有这种预测。市场调查公司 Sitfel 的总经理 Tom Roderick 也曾有同样的看法。他认为大部分软件公司并购会关注科技公司的私人股份收购,如 Informatica 、Tibco 等。在接下来的 6 个月内,可能会出现很多并购方面的消息。让我们拭目以待。
通过深度学习技术,Google 正试图让 Gmail 帮助用户自动回复邮件,通过分析收到邮件的内容,提供一些简短的答复,至少让用户可以在移动端轻松处理邮件。
Google 负责此项业务的产品经理 Alex Gawley 表示,Gmail 提供的回复还会根据上下文,提供三种在语气和内容上不同的回复,供用户选择。
Gmail 的此项功能,是基于对海量邮件数据的分析,通过神经网络分析技术来模仿人工的回复。但是该技术也有局限,百度首席科学家吴恩达表示,基于有限样本的数据,现有技术只能粗略理解相关问题。Gawley 也表示 Google 提供的回复不总是正确的,这也是 Google 提供三个答案给用户选择的原因。
为了保持语义的准确和实用,Google 给出的回答通常在 3-6 个单词之间。从产生的答案来看,这个策略很有效。在某些时候,系统甚至能识别笑话,并给出 “Ha. Very funny” 的回复。而如果当对方问:“你是否确定了假期的计划,如果确定了是否可以发给我?” 的时候,系统给出的三个答案是:“还没有”、“我刚发给你了”、以及 “我正在做”。
自动回复系统也会出现三个答案类似的情况。例如:“明天怎么样?”,“想要明天聚聚么?” 以及 “我建议明天?”。除此之外,该系统还有一些其他的问题,例如 “我爱你” 出现的次数明显太多了。Google 也在针对这些问题持续地对系统的算法进行调试。
Google 会在周三向公众开放该功能,支持英文版 iOS 和 Android 的 Inbox 应用。随着用户的使用,将日趋完善。但我觉得大家也不用期待过高,离机器可以完全代替我们写邮件的那一天还很遥远。
来源:36氪 ,作者:张大大
陈一鸣 (Chade-Meng Tan 'Jolly Good Fellow' )10月31日正式从谷歌退休说到Chade-Meng Tan 陈一鸣你可能不知道是谁,但是你看到这几张照片,你就知道他的故事了~~
他是谷歌的107号员工,他的抬头是“jolly good fellow ”
[caption id="attachment_9782" align="alignnone" width="600"] Chade-Meng Tan[/caption]
所有去谷歌的名人跟CEO合影不是必须的,而跟Chade-Meng Tan合影变得非常重要了,这样可以证明你是个名人·~:) 开个玩笑,大家可以去搜索下Chade-Meng Tan在谷歌的故事。
I am a Google pioneer, an award-winning engineer, a New York Times bestselling author, a thought leader, and a philanthropist. My work has been nominated 7 times for the Nobel Peace Prize.
I met three US Presidents. The Dalai Lama gave me hugs. I spoke at the White House, the UN and TED. Barack Obama said he remembered seeing me on the front page of the New York Times. I had dinner with President Jimmy Carter, drank tea with the King of Bhutan, and sat next to the Prince of Monaco at a movie. Mom said I made her proud.
My career goal is to create the conditions for world peace in my lifetime. That's all.
Friday, October 23, 2015
Retiring from Google
"Knock, knock."
"Who's there?"
"Not me anymore."
I would like to let you know that I'm retiring from Google.
A few months ago, after I celebrated my 15th anniversary as a Googler (which is my version of the "Google 15", since I never gained 15 pounds as a Googler), and as I looked forward to an impending 45th birthday (yes, I am that old, dammit), it occurred to me that I don't have that many years left and I really need to focus on my two most important priorities: mastering inner peace, and creating the conditions for world peace in my lifetime. Therefore, there are two things I urgently need to give more of my time to. The first is my meditation practice; I need the practice (3 hours a day, at least) to work towards mastery of mind. The second is to devote more of my time to the two charities I help lead, both of which have the potential to create the conditions for world peace in one lifetime. One is the One Billion Acts of Peace campaign, which has the potential to spark a massive global movement to solve the biggest problems facing humanity. The other is the Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute (SIYLI, pronounced "silly"), which has the potential to massively scale inner peace, inner joy and compassion worldwide. I can't think of any work more important for me to do, and given the finite time I have left, I want to devote most of my time to these two priorities. In a sense, I'm following the example of one of my greatest heroes, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, who meditates for 4 hours a day and spends most of the rest of his time benefiting humanity. I feel like I can only do a small fraction of what he does, but he inspires me to take this path. After a lot of careful consideration, I came to the conclusion that now is the time for me to make this major decision.
Of course, this decision is bitter-sweet for me. I'm excited by the opportunity to spend my time and energy on my most important priorities, but at the same time, it is very hard to leave Google. I absolutely love Google. I love the company, I love the culture, I love being a Googler and, most of all, I love my fellow Googlers. I'm tremendously grateful to Larry and Sergey for hiring me (and then forgetting to fire me for 15 whole years), to Eric for being a friend and role model, to the all wonderful people I've worked with (way too many to name individually), and to my string of great managers, especially my current manager, Karen May, the best manager I've ever had. To all of you who had the misfortune of being my boss, so sorry, and thank you. And to all my co-workers: you are all amazing, and I'm so going to miss you.
My last day at Google will be 31st October 2015, a few days after I turn 45.
Frequently Answered Questions
Q: Why do you need to meditate for 3 hours a day?
A: In a way, I see myself as the meditation equivalent of a full time musician, artist or athlete, who should primarily be practicing for hours a day. I think the minimum practice time for a full time musician or artist or athlete or meditator should be 3 hours a day. Specifically, I will be working towards mastering a meditation practice known as Jhana, which culminates in the perfection of serenity, concentration and joy. In that sense, I'm going pro.
Q: Why are One Billion Acts of Peace and SIYLI so important to you?
A: One Billion Acts of Peace is a campaign designed to solve the biggest problems facing humanity, such as hunger, poverty, oppression, injustice, and environmental destruction. Those problems are so big that the only way to solve them is to galvanize all the citizens of the world to work together. One Billion Acts of Peace has the potential to spark that massive global movement. We already have the active involvement of 14 Nobel Peace laureates and hundreds of volunteers, inspired 6.6 million acts of peace from more than a million people, gained the support of some giants in the corporate world such as Google and Wells Fargo, and 7 Nobel Peace laureates (led by Archbishop Desmond Tutu) have nominated us for the Nobel Peace Prize. AND, we are only just getting started! While Billion Acts focuses on action for the world, SIYLI takes a complimentary approach of spreading inner peace, inner joy and compassion worldwide. SIYLI's vision is, "Every leader in the world is wise and compassionate, thus creating the conditions for world peace." It does so, for example, by delivering the Search Inside Yourself course worldwide, including in organizations such as Google and the United Nations. Search Inside Yourself has been endorsed by the Dalai Lama, former President Jimmy Carter, and many other top global leaders. In its short existence, SIYLI has already deeply touched the lives of many thousands of people. Either one of the two approaches has the potential to create the conditions for world peace in one lifetime. Combined, boom! I really can't think of anything more important I should be doing, besides meditating for 3 hours a day.
Q: What do you do for those charities?
A: I'm Chairman of SIYLI and Co-Chair of One Billion Acts of Peace. In both roles, I expect to continue to live this famous Gandhi quote: "There they go. I must run and catch up with them, because I am their leader!"
Q: Shall I donate lots of money to those charities?
A: Yes.
Q: Are you sad to leave Google?
A: Yes, very much so. When I made the decision to retire, it felt like the most logical thing in the world to do. But after I informed my manager Karen May of the decision (she is sad, but very understanding and supportive) and started putting things in motion, I started becoming very sad. Being a Googler has been an integral part of me for 15 years, and I feel that part of me is dying. While struggling with that sadness, I made another important decision: I decided not to die as a Googler. If I do not die as a Googler, then my leaving Google is absolutely unavoidable, it is just a matter of time, and therefore, this sadness that I experience is also totally unavoidable, it is just a matter of time. Since it is entirely a matter of time, I decided it should be at the most logical time, which is now.
Q: Does turning 45 have anything to do with it?
A: Actually, yes. There is a part of me who thinks that retiring on or a few days after my 45th birthday is kinda cool. :) Plus, the older I get, the more keenly aware I am of my mortality and the importance of fulfilling my mission while I'm still alive (because after I die, it gets harder for me to do stuff).
Q: What are you going to do with all that free time?
A: I don't expect to have very much free time at all. Between 3 hours a day of meditation, One Billion Acts of Peace, SIYLI, working on my next book (currently planned for publication in May 2016), plus my other responsibilities (including being Adjunct Professor at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy and advisor to various startups), there's not going to be a lot of free time left. I plan for most or all of my free time to go to my family. I hope someday to have lots of actual free time, before I die.
at 8:47 AM
在Quora上,有网友对Google员工提出了疑问——“员工们对Alphabet的成立有什么看法?”“对于新Google的大BOSS Sundar Pichai的,员工们有怎样的期待?”
Deepmind项目工程师Jack Rae表示,今年是他在Google工作的第一年,Google让他觉得自己是在与一群有着共同价值观的年轻创造者们拼搏奋斗,而不是在给一家公司打工。他认为新公司的出现能够让公司的其他项目更好的发展,也能够让Google走的更好。
另一位员工Jeremy Hoffman也有相同的看法,虽然公司的举动在一开始让他吃惊不已,但他表示,Google成为子公司后,可以更加专注于其创立之初的目标,而不必再分心于新项目的研发,这一举动给Alphabet和Google都腾出了发展空间。
针对新BOSS Sundar Pichai,员工Robert Love认为他的上任将会给Google带来一个全新的未来。他认为Pichai很有远见,他一直就不想让云存储系统用于一般存储,因为在他看来未来不会有“文件”这种东西,未来的一切都应该是基于云的,移动的,并支持多设备。
软件工程实习生Shine Wang则表示,消息一出,实习生的聊天室就炸了,他们还戏称这则消息为“复活节彩蛋”,但是所有人都在担心这样的转变会不会对自己有所影响。不过他指出,于他个人而言,也没有什么不同,他的生活也还是每天听听歌敲敲代码而已。
As the dust settles around Google's Alphabet announcement yesterday, the company has been eerily quiet. Google+ pages haven't been updated, there's no movement on official blogs, and a blanket press statement is issued to any email queries. But there are a small handful of Google employees who are giving their opinions, on Quora, the question-answering website.
One question posed towards current and former employees asks "What do Google employees think of the creation of Alphabet Inc?" Another user wants to know what it's like to work with Sundar Pichai. So far responders include an engineer at DeepMind (Google's artificial intelligence arm) to an intern.
All in all, the responses are positive—but also confused about where each department stands. From these answers, it seems as if the employees are still unsure who will sign their paychecks come December.
DeepMind engineer Jack Rae, who used to work at Quora, wrote that this was his first year at Google, and his initial experience felt more like working within a cluster of startups joined by a common set of values rather than a company. Without being distracted by the mission of Google search, the other ventures within Google will be able to flourish, Rae writes.
Full text of the answers here.
Another employee, Jeremy Hoffman, who works in search quality, sees it the same way: making room for all the things that aren't explicitly Web-related.
He wrote he was initially surprised by the move, but it started to make sense the more he thought about it. Under Alphabet, Google is free to pursue its original mission of organizing the world’s knowledge, without having to add exceptions for every new entity it wants to create. In this view, it’s not only freeing for the other Alphabet subsidiaries, but also for Google.
Full text of the answers here.
In another thread asking about new Google CEO Sundar Pichai, Google search engineer Robert Love wrote about Pichai's idea for a file-less future.
Sundar thinks and talks fast. Sundar gets and passionately pursues a vision of the future that is cloud-based, mobile, multi-device, and infinitely connected. A great example is that, for years he didn't want to go a cloud storage system for generic storage (e.g. Google Drive) because there wouldn't be "files" in the future.
And then there was the software engineering intern, Shine Wang, who gave the insider-but-not-yet-inside perspective on Alphabet:
Our intern Hangouts chat exploded - everyone wondered if their conversion offers would indicate which PA-turned-company they would be placed under, whether it might affect the placement of new employees, and so on. We laughed at the SV Easter egg in the website's source code. But for me, an intern ineligible for conversion (yet) and without stock in the company, I just coded away, listening to music on my headphones.
Just Monday as usual.
via popsci