• 硅谷
    优秀人才喜欢什么样的创业公司?2016年招聘季可以准备起来了 本文作者Chad Halvorson为When I Work的创始人兼CEO 在所有成功的创业公司背后,总是有一支充满激情、目标明确的优秀团队在推动公司不断向前发展。每一个创业公司地拥有者都希望成功,因此不可避免地他们都会忍不住问这样一个问题:“如何才能找到最优秀的人才帮助我?” 为什么大家都求贤若渴呢?因为如果你能为顶尖人才创造一个理想的工作环境,你就拥有了拉拢最最优秀人才的机会——而这些人才可以助你实现创业理想,可以使你的公司声名远播。 那么,在未来到底要怎么做才能吸引为数不多的顶尖人才加入到你的创业团队?就目前而言,响亮的头衔,具有竞争力的薪水还有完美的合作环境都是吸引优秀人才的好方法。但是光有这些还远远不够。打破思维定势,你可以获得任何竞争对手所不具备的优势。下面我们就来了解一下其他吸引优秀人才的好方法。 提示:以下提到的建议并不一定都适用于你的公司。你不必照搬这些解决方案。之所以列出这些建议和案例,是为了给大家一个参考,打开各位的思路,从而找到行之有效的最佳人才吸引策略。你是创业公司的拥有者、创始人,你才是那个决定什么样的方案最适合你的公司和团队的人。 股权之外 股权是创业公司招聘的最爱。如果你的公司正处于发展早期,股权可以替你弥补在公司稳定性方面的不足。有风投支持的创业公司通常会给匀出所有股份的10-20%作为员工的福利。有的创业公司就做到这里,但你知道你应该为员工提供更多。 除了提供单一的金融股权之外,你还可以允许你的员工真正地投资公司产品或服务。优秀的员工乐于投入他们的精力,同时他们也更希望参与公司的发展策略。招聘杰出人才地时候可以许诺他们一些诱人的东西:新产品的开发,产品重新设计,乃至管理的机会。在创业公司领域,人员流动率很高——顶尖的人才希望可以在一开始就可以产生有力影响而不是光拿工资。通过一些简单地改变,在你的公司里营造出富有竞争力和远大抱负的氛围。 团队思考靠边站:顶尖人才通常喜欢独树一帜。不要强迫新员工接受公司的一贯风格,而是鼓励他们提出自己独特的见解。 培养独立项目:Google可能将不得不删减掉20%的模型,但是你不必这么做。给你的员工充分的时间培养他们的好奇心。个人创新力量永远不可预测! 放下繁文缛节:放在员工面前的障碍越多,他们越没有动力。简单合理的审批程序有助于把创意转化为实际成果。 价值观和透明度 物以类聚人以群分。如果你想让员工都诚实可靠,你需要在公司业务的各个方面都体现出你的价值观去。如果你不这么做,优秀的人才很容易在面试中就察觉到你公司空泛不切实际的价值观,有时候甚至不需要面试仅仅瞥一眼你的公司主页就知深浅。 比如这家出色的创业公司Asana,公司的价值观渗透到工作中的每一个环节。公司的名字来源于瑜伽概念“asana”,指的是一种可以帮助练习者重新感知幸福的姿势。Asana的价值观包括了沉思和平静,但又不仅限于言语——这些价值观体现在公司文化的方方面面。比如由家庭主厨准备的有机餐点和现场瑜伽都体现了该公司所想表达的价值观。越是优秀的人才越能够与公司内在信息达成共鸣,所以务必时刻展现你公司的价值观。 有的公司甚至会做更多。比如通过透明化的博客内容分享公司内部的工作情况。Buffer,Moz和Unbounce都是这方面的极好例子——如果你效仿他们的方法,你或许可以从招聘中获益匪浅。当Buffer在他们的博客上公布了员工的薪酬之后,他们立刻收到了大量的简历,是上一个月收到的简历数量两倍之多。正如他们的首席执行官Joel Gascoigne所说,“在过去我们从未能如此快速地找到优秀的人才。”当创业公司坦诚地传达自己的价值观之后,他们得到的是信任——无法用价格衡量的信任。 家庭福利 当潜在的员工考虑你的公司时,他们思考的不只是这份工作是不是最适合他们的职业生涯,而是这份工作是否有利于他们的所有生活。如果你真心渴求优秀人才,不要吝啬你的钱,从投资家人开始俘获他们的忠心。 一家位于旧金山的公司Paper G做了一项调查研究,发现创业公司通常会为员工提供健身会员卡、餐补,甚至在承诺带薪产假之前还有交通补贴。提供实质性的且有证明的父母福利可以对留住公司人才起到显著的积极作用。不信可以问问Mary Ellen Slayter。Mary Ellen是Reputation Capital的首席执行官,她想方设法用带薪产假留住了她的营销战略主管。Lee,就是那位主管,答应未来继续回来工作,“如果只是拿工资,那么我大可以心不在焉地工作或者干脆辞职离开,我完全不用在意。然而是我的团队,他们的团结一致,合作关心让我觉得在这里的每一天工作都无比美好。” 另外一家技术创业公司Treehouse LLC则从另一个层面表现出对员工家庭的照顾——这家公司一到周四就放假休息了!周五,所有员工都可以呆在家里陪着家人。公司的首席执行官兼创始人Ryan Carson解释道,“自从实行一周四天工作制后,招聘和人员保留都变得容易顺利多了!你简直想象不到。当有人在Google或者Facebook以及我们公司之间摇摆不定时,我们就会告诉他,‘我们这里一周只需要工作四天,考虑一下吧!’这一招屡试不爽,说是我们的招聘王牌一点也不夸张。毕竟,没有可以抵抗这种福利诱惑。”你会拒绝一个一周只需要工作四天的工作吗?当然不会啦! 因人制宜 Treehouse LLC的例子提醒了我们朝九晚五的工作时间制已成为过去。每个人都希望自己的工作时间能够适应自己的需求和利益。为什么一定要员工来适应你的工作时间要求而不是你去迎合他们的需求呢?把工作个性化作为市场营销和管理的一种技术,并且全身心地接受它,你会发现身边的优秀人才会越聚越多。 个性化的办公空间:有研究表明用植物或者照片装饰他们的办公空间的员工更加高产。Asana为其员工提供了1万美元用来创造设计他们自己的办公空间——不妨设想一下你的员工会怎么使用这笔钱装饰他们的办公空间? 工作地点独立性:Baremetrics,Zapier,InVision这些创业公司都十分欢迎分散式的团队,他们的员工可以在任何地方工作。如果你无法接受全职的远程工作,那么还可以尝试一下FullContact的做法。这家位于丹佛的创业公司为员工提供了“微远程工作机会”。FullContact的员工每年中可以有一个月的时间随便在哪里工作,并且FullContact还会送你到你想去的地方工作。在When I Work,我们同样用类似的福利吸引招聘全国范围内最优秀的人才。 弹性工作时间:如果你想招聘到高产高效的人才,那就把你的关注点放在他们交付的成果上,不要去计较他们的工作时间。然后你会发现你的员工保留率提高了,员工评估变得理想了,所以把无关紧要的指标放到一边去吧! 假如你能做到以上几点,你的公司在招聘市场上势必会变得更加具有吸引力和竞争力。既然你决议要吸纳当地最优秀的人才,那么你还应该保证你有能力留住这些人才。在HireArt的一份调查研究中显示,25%的创业公司反馈说约有一半的非技术人入职不到半年便离开了。如果你在渴求的人才之间培养一个开放的对话模式,并保持一个灵活的态度,我相信你至少可以在你的公司里更长久地留住优秀员工。 How To Attract Top Talent To Join Your Startup in 2016 Behind every great startup you've ever read or heard about exists a team of passionate, talented, and motivated individuals driving growth. The question most new startup owners ask themselves is, "how do I get the most talented people to help me?"   The fact of the matter is, by cultivating the ideal environment for top talent, you have an opportunity to compete with the best of the best in order to reign in the very best employees out there--the ones that can help you put your startup on the map.   So how do you do it? How can you attract top talent to join your startup in 2016? Yes, there are some obvious ways to reign in the best talent: hefty titles, uber-competitive salaries and awesome collaborations. But there's a lot more to it than that. By thinking outside the box, you can gain the edge over just about any competitor. Here are some ideas on how to best approach attracting top talent.   Note: not every solution mentioned below will be right for your company. Don’t feel like you have to offer or implement everything you read here. The purpose of presenting these ideas and examples is to provide you with a complete picture and get you thinking about what you can realistically and feasibly offer at your company for your employees. As an owner or founder, it’s up to you to decide which solutions work best for you and your team.   Beyond Equity Every startup hire loves equity. If you are in the early stage of your growth, equity can help you compensate for the stability talent would find at a established company. Venture-backed startups typically offer employee equity out of the 10-20% of the total shares of the business. Some startups stop there, but you shouldn't.   Instead of solely offering financial equity, allow your talent to truly invest in your product or service. The best employee are happy to pitch in with labor, but they really want a hand in strategy. Recruit talent by giving them something big: a new product development, a design reboot or even a management opportunity. In the startup world, turnover is high--top recruits want to make a big impact from the beginning rather than paying dues. Foster this ambition by making simple changes.   Let Go of Group Think: Top talent usually has an independent streak. Don't make new hires to drink the company kool-aid, and instead ask them to contribute their unique perspectives. Nurture Independent Projects: Google may have axed its 20% model, but that doesn't mean that you should. Give employees time to nurture their curiosities. Who knows what can come from individual innovation? Down with the Red Tape: The more roadblocks you place in front of talent, the more frustrated they become. Streamline approval processes to allow for greater ease between ideas and their fruition.   Values and Transparency Like attracts like. If you want talent with integrity, you need to embody your values in every aspect of your business. If you don't, the best hires will sniff out your company's hollow values in an interview, or even at a first glance at your company's blog.   Asana, a productivity startup, does a tremendous job embodying their values in every level of their work. The founders pulled the company name from the yogic notion of "asana," which refers to postures that restore one's sense of wellbeing. Asana's values, which include mindfulness and equanimity, are not just words--they are present in every aspect their community culture. Perks like shared, organic meals prepared by a homechef and on-site yoga are meaningful embodiments of Asana'sstated values. The top talent for your company will always resonate with your deepest message, so make sure to let your values shine (we link to ours right on theWhen I Work Careers page to make sure that they are front and center for anyone interested in coming to work for us).   Some companies take their mission a step further, embracing transparency blogging as a way to share internal workings. Buffer, Moz and Unbounce are great examples of this marketing approach--if you follow their lead, you could reap rewards during recruitment. After Buffer posted employee salaries on their blog, they received more than double the applications than they had the month prior. As their CEO Joel Gascoigne said, "We've never been able to find great people this quickly in the past." When startups embody and demystify their values, it nurtures trust--something you can't put a pricetag on.   Family Benefits As potential employees consider your company, they will think about whether it's in the best interest of their whole lives not just their work lives. If you want to recruit the best talent, put your money where their hearts are by investing in families.   A survey from the San Francisco-based Paper G found that startups often offer gym memberships, meals and even subsidized transportation before committing to paid parental leave policies. Offering substantial and documented parent benefits can help corral and keep talent in your company. Just ask Mary Ellen Slayter. As the CEO of Reputation Capital, Mary Ellen went above and beyond to give her director of marketing strategy a paid maternity leave. Lee, the director, said about coming back to work, "If my job was just a paycheck, it would have been easy for me to mentally check out or leave altogether. It's my team of committed, caring coworkers that make me excited to have this job every day."   The tech startup Treehouse LLC takes family-friendly to the next level by closing its doors every Thursday evening. On Fridays, employees stay home with their families. As chief executive and founder Ryan Carson told the Washington Post, "It makes recruiting and retention so much easier. It's almost funny. When someone is considering us or Google or Facebook, we say, 'Well, are you going to work a four-day week there?' It's almost like our amazing ace up the sleeve. It's just something nobody can beat." Would you turn down a four-day-a-week job? Probably not!   Personalization As Treehouse LLC shows us, the age of the cookie-cutter 9-5 is over. Everyone wants a job that accommodates their needs, strengths and interests. Why not mold your expectations instead of expecting your employees to mold to you? Embracing job personalization as a marketing and management technique will entice (and keep) the best talent around. Personalized Office Space: One study showed that workers who could personalize their office space with plants or pictures were 32 percent more productive. Asana gives its employees $10,000 to create their own workspaces--imagine what your employees could do with that kind of money? Location Independence: Startups like Baremetrics, Zapier, InVision embrace a distributed team, and their employees can work from anywhere. If you're not able to offer full-time remote work, follow FullContact's lead. This startup based in Denver offers mini-remote opportunities instead. Their employees can work wherever they want for one month of the year, and FullContact will help them to get there, too! At When I Work, we also offer this perk as a way to attract and hire the best people from around the country. Flexible Hours: If you want to attract productive talent, value their deliverables rather than their hours on the job. You will increase your retention rate and shift your employee evaluations to powerful, rather than irrelevant metrics.   Taking each of these steps makes your company more appealing from the outside. Now that you're on your way to bringing in the best talent in town, you have to make sure you don't lose them faster than you can say, "You're hired." In a survey by HireArt, 25% of startups reported losing 50% of their non-technical talent within the first six months of work. If you cultivate open dialogue with talents and maintain a posture of flexibility, you can reverse the statistic--at least within your company.   Source:Inc
  • 硅谷
    想要在职业生涯给社会带来积极影响?听听 80000 Hours 的建议吧 科技行业的人士都喜欢讨论 如何成就一番事业 。但怎样才能让你的职业生涯更有意义呢?如果你真的想对这个世界带来积极影响,你究竟是该为创业公司工作呢,还是说为非营利机构服务呢?抑或是远离创业公司和非营利组织?   80000 Hours 便是一个帮助你做出上述决定的组织。这是一家非营利组织,成员包括当前孵化自 Y Combinator 的一批创业公司,由本·托德(Ben Todd)和威尔·麦克斯基尔(Will MacAskill)创建于 2011 年。托德目前担任 80,000 Hours 的执行董事,而麦克斯基尔则担任总裁。   麦克斯基尔是英国牛津大学研究哲学的副教授,他说在遇到托德时,后者还是一个学生,正面临事业上的艰难选择。他俩最终成立了一个讨论组, 讲授有关这个话题的课程 ,直至最终创建 80000 Hours,用以传播他们的想法(这一组织的名称是指一个人职业生涯的全部工作时间)。   80000 Hours 的工作涉及一对一职业培训,但重点已转向 80000 Hours 网站上的文章和其他相关内容——毕竟,这样一来,他们可以覆盖更多的受众。托德表示,80000 Hours 的内容更具交互性和个性化,比如包含一些小测验,现在它上面还有 职业规划指导 和 大量相关文章 ,(更新: 这就是 80000 Hours 上面的一个测验 ,最终建议我应该参考智库研究。)80000 Hours 目前还在围绕此类内容打造一个社区。   80000 Hours 的目标不是向所有人都推荐相同的职业,而是确保他们拥有做出正确职业决定的理想框架——他们要问自己一些合适的问题。   顺便说一句,80000 Hours 的建议有时与我们的直觉完全相反。例如,它明确反对盲目遵从托德所说的“常见的职业规划建议”,即追随你的内心。   相反,80,000 Hours 会告诉读者,“ 不要追随内心 ”——这是让人相当吃惊的做法。“追随内心”不会让你变得更具上进心,从而更成功吗?   托德反驳说,热情“并不是成功的保证,也不能确保你一定就可以对社会做出积极贡献。”他还指出,大多数人都说他们对体育、艺术等领域充满热情,但这些领域的职业机遇十分有限。   托德指出,最为重要的是,研究表明追随内心只会“让事情出现倒退”,相反,你应该把精力放在“熟悉有意义的事情上,然后再慢慢形成对这些事情的兴趣。”   麦克斯基尔(他写了一本有关“有效的利他主义”的书)还怀疑另一个看似显而易见的情况——要为非营利机构工作,尤其是将它作为你大学毕业后的第一份工作。他并没有轻视所有这些机构的意思,他说只有少数非营利机构会真正起作用。此外,如果某个非营利机构没有提供帮助你发展专业技能的资源,那么为它服务可能会限制你今后的工作能力。   所以,为什么 80000 Hours 本身是一个非营利机构?麦克斯基尔表示,“我们有必要避免利益冲突,有必要避免对‘给出帮我们赚钱的建议’而有压力。”   “如果我们认为我们可以克服那个困难,我们就要解放思想,朝着营利性的模式发展,”他补充道。无论如何,关键是“专注于拥有尽可能最大的社会影响,”既为了读者,也为了 80000 Hours 自己。   Want To Make An Impact With Your Work? Try Some Advice From 80,000 Hours People in the tech world like to talk about doing great things. But what does that actually mean for your career? If you’re serious about making a positive impact on the world, should you go work for a startup? A nonprofit? Or none of the above?   80,000 Hours is an organization aiming to help with those decisions. It’s a nonprofit in the current class of startups incubated by doing great things, but it was founded back in 2011 by Ben Todd (the organization’s executive director) and Will MacAskill (its president).   MacAskill is an associate professor of philosophy at Oxford University, and he said that when they met, Todd was a student wrestling with many of these questions. They ended up forming a discussion group and giving lectures on the topic, then eventually creating 80,000 Hours to spread their ideas. (The name refers to the number of hours in your career)   Part of their work involves one-on-one career coaching, but the focus has shifted toward articles and other content on the 80,000 Hours site — which, after all, can reach a broader audience. Todd said the content should get more interactive and personalized through things like quizzes, but for now, there’s already a career guide and plenty of articles. (Update: Here’s one of those quizzes, which suggested that I look into think tank research.) 80,000 Hours is also working to build a community around that content.   The point isn’t to just direct everyone to the same type of career, but rather to make sure they’ve got the right framework for making their decisions — that they’re asking themselves the right questions.   The advice, by the way, can be pretty counter-intuitive. For example, it pushes back against what Todd calls “the paradigm career advice of our time,” namely following your passion.   In contrast, 80,000 Hours tells readers, “Don’t follow your passion” — which is pretty surprising. Isn’t following your passion supposed to make you more motivated, and therefore more successful? Todd countered that passion is “not anywhere close to a guarantee of being successful or having an impact.” He also noted that most people say their passion is in areas like sports and the arts, which offer very limited career opportunities.   Most importantly, he said that research suggests that following your passion “gets things backwards.” Instead, you should focus on “getting good at something that’s meaningful, and then passion develops from that later on.”   MacAskill (who wrote a book about “effective altruism”) was also skeptical of another seemingly obvious track — going to work for a nonprofit, especially as your first job out of college. He didn’t dismiss all such organizations, but he said only a small number of them have a real impact. In addition, working for a nonprofit might limit your ability to do good later on, if the organization doesn’t have the resources to help you develop your professional skills.   So why is 80,000 Hours a nonprofit itself? MacAskill said it’s necessary to avoid conflicts of interest and feeling pressured to “give the sorts of recommendations that make us money.”   “We’d be open to the idea of moving to a for-profit model if we think we could overcome that difficulty,” he added. Either way, the key is being “laser-focused on having the biggest social impact,” both for individual readers, and for 80,000 Hours itself.   来自:techcrunch
  • 硅谷
    解决科技行业多元化问题的关键在于留住员工 科技行业的多元化对话往往更关注于“交流途径”,让更多少数族裔的员工跨过这道门槛。不过,这只是第一步。第二步、也是最为关键的一步是,让他们留下来。如果具有不同背景的员工不能给公司创造一种包容性和友好的环境,那么公司就没有必要耗费资源来聘请这样的员工了。   “这并不是说你不应该重视招聘,而是说你不仅要重视招聘,还要把精力放在留住员工上面,这就像你正在填满漏水的水桶一样。”Paradigm 的首席执行官乔利·埃莫森(Joelle Emerson)告诉我。   Paradigm 是一个专注于多元化问题的咨询公司。目前 该公司正在与一些高速发展的公司合作 ,例如 Pinterest 和 Slack,用以培育并保留多样化的工作场所。这是因为,如果企业不能有效留住背景不同的人才,那便是对金钱和资源的大量浪费了。事实上,根据美国进步中心(Center for American Progress)的 研究 ,招聘和雇佣新员工的成本通常在员工年薪中占到 20%。   Twitter 工程部经理莱斯利·米莱(Leslie Miley)是位黑人,他告诉我:“我认为,即便不是更重要的一个问题,但留住员工也很重要,因为你不想挖掘具有不同背景的员工。因为如果你拥有了背景不同的员工,这便和你的文化有很大关系了。不想拥有这种员工的企业,将永远无法增强自身的多元化。这听起来很简单,但是真的很有趣,有些公司还没弄清楚这一点。”   米莱谈到,流失这样的员工可能意味着几件事。一是表明公司的企业文化没有意识到员工多元化的重要性,二是说明公司有“害群之马”,让员工在这里呆不下去了。   “事实上,我之前遇见过这样的情形,在我的职业生涯中,有人只会给有色人种创造让人寒心的环境,”米莱说道。“例如有这样一家公司——但我不会说出这个公司的名字——当他们意识到问题的时候,一切都太晚了。”   虽然米莱并未指名道姓提到 Dropbox,但我敢打赌,他指的就是 Dropbox 前员工安吉利卡·科尔曼(Angelica Coleman)遭遇的情况。科尔曼称,由于 Dropbox 工作环境对女性不友好,她最终离开了这家公司。   根据《哈佛商业评论》实施的 一项调查 ,女性离开科技公司的比例是男性的两倍。最常见的原因就是工作环境,例如得不到晋升、工作时间长以及工资低等。   埃莫森表示,若想解决员工留存问题,一个办法就是确定你的公司是否可能存在这种问题,做到这一点并不难,通过对员工进行调查即可。这种调查应该问员工几个问题,如他们打算在公司工作多长时间,他们如何看待公司的多元化和包容性问题,他们是否看到获得晋升的机会等等。若想让具有不同背景的员工们明白他们会有晋升的机会,那就是确保公司有少数族裔背景的人在领导岗位上。   埃莫森指出,企业还必须意识到,具有不同背景的员工留存率高,并不意味着企业做的任何事情都是对的。员工有可能会出于经济方面的考虑被迫留在公司里,而不是因为他们真的很享受在那里工作。“如果人们并没有离开,企业有时可能自我感觉不错,但事实并非如此,”埃莫森说。   团队任务管理平台 Asana 是与埃莫森有合作关系的另一家高增长型创业公司,该公司已经认识到多元化员工的留存重要性,但它并没有试图通过建立一套有效的机制,将员工留在公司里。   Asana 人力资源部门主管安迪·斯托(Andy Stoe)说:“我们并不是依靠我们作为‘北极星’的自我价值,让我们各司其职,相反,我们还试图打开‘黄手铐’(golden handcuff),这样员工会出于合理的考虑留在 Asana。”   斯托所说的“金手铐”是指各种公司福利,比如说股票期权及其他丰厚的奖励等,旨在鼓励员工不要离开公司。Asana 尝试放松“金手铐”的束缚,改变标准的劳资协议条款,令其适用于公司新的股票期权规定。   以前,Asana 员工离职后,只有三个月时间来执行股票期权,过后即丧失期权。如今,从 Asana 授予其股权之日起,员工将有 10 年时间来执行期权,即便他们任职未满 10 年就离开了公司。   最终,科技公司必须对两个问题进行深入思考,一是创造哪种工作环境,二是如何能让背景多元的员工寻找和获得晋升的机会。此外,企业还必须要知道激励员工留下来的原因是什么。是企业包容、健康的工作环境,还是说员工手腕上的“金手铐”?如果是因为后者他们才留了下来,那么企业就必须做出改变了。   Hacking Diversity In Tech By Emphasizing Retention Conversations around diversity in tech often focus on the “pipeline” and getting more people from underrepresented groups through the door. But that’s just a first step. The next, most critical step is retention. There’s no point in a company using its resources to hire a diverse people if they’re not going to offer them an environment that is both supporting and nurturing.   “It’s not to say that you shouldn’t focus on [hiring], but to focus on that and not focus on retention, it’s like you’re filling up a leaky bucket,” Paradigm CEO Joelle Emerson tells me.   Paradigm is a consulting startup that focuses on diversity. It’s currently working with high-growth companies like Pinterest and Slack on fostering and retaining a diverse workplace. That’s because if companies can’t effectively retain diverse people it’s a huge waste of money and resources. In fact, the cost of recruiting and hiring a new employee is typically 20 percent of the annual salary for that person, according to the Center for American Progress.   “I think that [retention is] as important if not more important because you don’t want to churn out diversity,” Twitter Engineering Manager Leslie Miley, who is black, tells me. “Because if you churn out diversity, that says a lot about your culture. Companies that do churn out diversity will never be able to increase their diversity. It sounds very simple, but it’s really interesting to see that some companies haven’t figured that one out.”   Losing diverse employees could mean a couple of things, Miley says. It could mean either that it’s a culture that doesn’t recognize diversity matters, or it could be that there’s just a bad apple driving people out the door.   “I have actually seen that previously in my career where one person can create an environment that is just chilling for people of color,” Miley says. “There’s one example, but I won’t name the company, by the time they realized that there was a problem, it was too late.”   Even though Miley didn’t specifically call out Dropbox, my bet is that he was referring to the situation with former Dropbox employee Angelica Coleman, who says she left the company because of its unsupportive environment.   Women leave tech companies at twice the rate of men, according to a study by the Harvard Business Review. The most common reason is the working conditions (e.g. no advancement, number of hours, low salary). One way to combat retention issues is by determining if your company is at risk of them, which can be accomplished through surveys, Emerson says. These surveys should ask employees things like how long they plan to be at the company, how they perceive diversity and inclusion in the company, and if they are aware of opportunities for advancement. And one way to signal to diverse employees that there are opportunities for advancement is to ensure there are people from underrepresented backgrounds in leadership roles.   Companies also need to recognize that a high retention rate of diverse employees doesn’t necessarily mean the company’s doing anything right, Emerson says. People might be forced to stay on at a company because of financial reasons, not because they actually enjoy working there. “If people aren’t leaving, companies sometimes make the assumption that everything is fine, and that’s not always the case,” Emerson says.   Productivity startup Asana, another high-growth company that Emerson works with, recognizes that retention of diverse employees is really important, but it tries not to create mechanisms just to keep people at the company.   “Instead we rely on our own values as the north star, and literally hold ourselves accountable, Asana Head of Recruiting Andy Stoe says. “We also try to remove the ‘golden handcuffs’ so people want to stay at Asana for the right reasons.”   The “golden handcuffs” Stoe is talking about are the benefits, like stock options and other deferred payments, that aim to discourage people from leaving the company. Asana has tried to loosen the handcuffs by changing the standard terms that apply to the company’s new stock options.   In the past, employees had just three months after leaving Asana to exercise their options before they were forfeited. Now, employees have 10 years to exercise those options from the date Asana grants them, even if they leave the company before that time.   Ultimately, tech companies need to be thoughtful about the kind of work environment they create, and how they enable diverse employees to seek and attain opportunities for advancement. Companies also need to be aware of what is incentivizing people to stay. Is it because of the company’s supportive, nourishing environment? Or, are employees staying because of the golden handcuffs around their wrists? If it’s the latter, something needs to change.   来源:techcrunch
  • 硅谷
    去哪家最佳雇主找工作最容易?——信息图 下图是获得《财富》美国100家最适宜工作的公司的热门职位的机率。根据在过去一年中每个空缺职位的l申请人数绘制,处于顶部的机率最大,处于底部的最小。过去12个月里,这些公司总共收到了超过1,700万份的求职申请,填补了53.5万个空缺职位,总体求职成功率为3%。  
  • 硅谷
    【硅谷新公司】Avanoo:用科学的方法熬制员工培训“心灵鸡汤” 摘要: 为企业提供员工培训服务的公司很多,但这家名为Avanoo的硅谷初创公司却另辟蹊径,他们希望通过数据化和科学化的方法,为每一个企业熬制一份独特的培训“心灵鸡汤”。   有多少人真正喜欢眼前的工作?又有多少人除了完成分内之事,还能积极主动地创造更多价值?全球知名的民意测验和商业调查咨询公司盖洛普咨询的最新研究表明,全球只有13%的员工真正敬业。   这就意味着:大多数员工只是被动地完成任务,但却并不享受工作的过程。   一家叫做Avanoo的硅谷公司就想要改变这个现状。他们没有把精力放在已经是一片红海的技能导向型的员工培训模式上,而是聚焦在一直被忽视的领域——员工软实力上,也就是说,他们专门帮助员工进行心理健康、抗压能力、情感管理、人际关系处理能力等的潜能挖掘。   创始人Daniel Jacobs告诉记者,公司名Avanoo其实就寄托了他的愿景:Ava在古英语里表示“打开”,而“noo”的意思是“现在”。他们希望做的就是,从这一刻开始,帮助人们挖掘自己的内在潜能。 (创始人Daniel Jacobs) 培训有效吗?用数据说话 Avanoo采用的是SaaS (Software as a Service,软件即服务)的商业模式,与企业或者机构直接对接,给企业或者机构的员工提供软技能的培训服务。   他们的形式非常简单:在三十天的培训周期内,每天为员工提供定制化的三分钟的培训视频,然后利用数据追踪技术,给企业和机构的人力资源部门和领导层提供培训结果的实时数据报告,帮助员工提高软实力,也帮助公司提高员工们的工作满意度和积极性。   为什么是三分钟?在Daniel看来,这就是一杯咖啡的时间,既不会给人带来太大的负担,也能传播足够有效的信息。   另外,Avanoo可以根据不同的公司需求“对症下药”,制定不同的合作方案。   同时,大公司与正在快速发展的创业公司需求差别很大,Daniel认为,只有真正了解企业发展的历史阶段和问题情境后,再推出个性化服务和软件配置才能让培训有成效。   Daniel特别提到他们其中一个客户,一家世界五百强的金融巨头企业,最初有一个非常反感企业培训的团队,甚至一开始员工就直接拒绝参与培训,以没有时间作为托词。针对他们的情况,Avanoo专门制定了特别方案,不断和团队磨合,到最后,该团队员工的参与度已经达到了50%。   Avanoo的另一个优势就是可以提供可视化的数据报告。依托软件平台,Avanoo可以实时收集数据并把数据可视化地展示出来。人力资源部门和管理层可以清晰地看到培训相关的各项指标,例如参与率、完成率、职业发展指标以及员工的反馈。   通过这份实时的数据报告,企业和机构能更清楚的了解员工的培训成效。   用科学的方法做“鸡汤” 由于提供的是偏精神层面的培训,所以难免会让人联想起现在泛滥的“心灵鸡汤”。但是Daniel认为,Avanoo服务的特点反而是“鸡汤”最缺乏的“大规模科学化”(massively scientific)。   他们培训环节设计的每一个小细节都是有理论依据和实验验证的,比如一个视频里应该包含多少个核心概念。   “我们追求的目标是制作最科学的培训方向,对于培训的内容、设计以及表现方式都有理论依据。” Daniel说。   目前他们的平台上吸引了200多位知名的培训教练、演说家和个人发展顾问来提供培训素材,但这些仅仅是原始素材。Avanoo整个团队要对这些素材进行深度加工和仔细推敲,严格地控制每一个培训模块的质量。即使视频制作完毕了,但究竟能不能推广到市场上仍需要一段时间的实验检测。 (Avanoo平台上的导师)   而且他们也一直在和目前在行为学研究方面最领先的研究机构合作,加州大学圣地亚哥分校社会网络和社会行为专家、哈佛大学博士James Fowler就是他们的科学顾问。   或许正是由于这样科学的态度,上线几个月Avanoo发展非常快。Daniel说,一些巨型企业例如丰田、毕马威都已经成为他们的客户。甚至一些政府机构,例如全美人口排名第19位的El Paso市也加入他们的项目中。而且更令人惊讶的是项目的平均参与率为74%,完成率为63%,远远超过了平均水平。   Avanoo设计课程最重要的一点就是,注重激发人们内心的源动力。对于参与培训的企业和机构来说,他们发现随着员工参与度的提高,机构的日常运转和工作氛围也在悄悄地发生变化。   “我们每天都要收到很多邮件和评论,大多数来自于参与培训项目的企业员工或者机构工作人员,”Daniel说,“他们都很感谢我们所提供的课程,这不仅改变了他们的工作,甚至改变了他们的生活。”   在他们的官网上,一个连锁餐厅的经理还评论到:“我的团队都很喜欢Avanoo的培训项目。从开始参与这个培训项目后,餐厅的客户满意度都提高了很多。”   让人们快乐起来 Avanoo的团队并不大,现在只有13个正式员工,他们有着不同的肤色和背景。   他们今年刚从硅谷孵化器500 Startups毕业,去年十月网站才上线,但他们的发展却是指数级增长的:去年11月的营收还只有2000美元,仅仅半年时间,截止今年5月营收已经超过一百万美金。   当被问起如何萌生了这个创业想法的时候,创始人Daniel Jacobs认真地讲了个故事。   在创立Avanoo之前,Daniel一直在非盈利组织工作。有一次他去中美洲帮助修建孤儿院,让无家可归的孩子们不再流落街头,有一个安身之处。他本以为这些缺少关爱、经常挨饿的孩子们会不快乐,但恰恰相反,这些孩子总是能找到乐趣。   “物质上的匮乏并没有束缚他们寻找快乐的自由。与他们相比,拥有丰富资源的美国孩子却有着各种各样的心理和行为问题。”Daniel说。   于是,他开始反思其中的原因。他觉得也许可以把这些孩子的快乐带回美国,帮助不快乐的人找到工作和生活的意义。   于是他创办了Avanoo,提供触及心灵和精神层面、能促成行为改变的在线培训,帮助那些什么都有、但是最不快乐的人群——上班族们,了解自己的内心,重新燃起热情。在Avanoo刚上线的时候,他甚至自己就录制了前四个视频,有和幸福感相关的,甚至还有瘦身的课程。   “哪怕是瘦身,我并不会讲你应该怎么去做,而是在3分钟里鼓励人们真的去行动。这就是Avanoo和其他培训平台的不同。”Daniel说。   最近,Avanoo还获得了包括国内知名投资机构PreAngel、前摩根士丹利总裁Robert Scott、NBC总裁Jeff Bader在内的总计330万美金的融资。有了这笔资金,他们可以发展得更快。“未来我们的眼光不会只局限在美国。”(本文首发钛媒体)   本文系作者: 陈琛 来源:钛媒体 链接:http://www.tmtpost.com/1374569.html
  • 硅谷
    硅谷挖人成本有多高?工程师猎头费要3万美元啊! BI中文站 7月31日报道 对于想要在硅谷招募工程师的初创公司来说,仅仅开出高薪是不够的。据很多初创公司的创始人周四在Twitter上进行的一番讨论来看,猎头费也是一笔不小的开支。 专业开发远程求职和远程办公软件的初创公司Teleport的创始人、首席执行官斯坦·塔姆基维(Sten Tamkivi)发表推特称,硅谷一家初创公司的创始人在12个月里招募了15名工程师,支付的猎头费总额达到了50万美元。 也就是说,那家初创公司平均为每一名工程师支付的猎头费超过了3万美元。而且这种情况是非常普遍的。猎头公司收取的费用通常是被招募的人才总收入的20%到30%,这里所说的总收入包括基本工资、股票奖励和通过签字领取的任何奖金。 据Glassdoor统计的数据显示,位于硅谷核心地带的帕洛艾尔托市的软件工程师目前的平均工资为10.8万美元。但是该地区的大公司通常还要发放不少的现金奖金(1.5万美元)和股票奖励(合5万美元)。 因此招募一名工程师的成本就包括支付给工程师本人的15万美元年薪和支付给猎头公司的3万美元猎头费,难怪初创公司那么烧钱了。(林靖东)
  • 硅谷
    Captain401: 希望帮助企业更简单地创建 401K 计划 周四,从创业孵化器 Y Combinator 毕业的 Captain401 正式上线,这是一项帮助小型企业创建 401K 计划(译注:一种由雇员、雇主共同缴费建立起来的完全基金式的养老保险制度)的服务。Captain401 的目标是让管理 401K 计划像运营公司其他业务一样简单,而且像 Zenefits 或 Zenpayroll 一样更加聚焦于数字技术。   该公司首席执行官罗杰·李(Roger Lee)说,Captain401 寻求创建一套流程,避免投资那些收取高额手续费和跑不赢市场的基金。他表示,Captain401 的投资服务是自动化的,能够帮助员工做出更好的投资决策,并且对最佳选择拥有更深入的认识。   “像 ADP 和 John Hancock 那些老牌公司,它们要求大量的文书工作、缓慢的信件邮寄、各种文件填报和签名。”李说,“一些公司,比如富达投资集团(Fidelity),根本不跟小型企业合作。我们认为,我们可以在那方面做得更好,我们的解决方案是网络和无纸化。企业只需要 10 分钟就能创建自己的计划,我们让持续管理实现了自动化。对员工来说,他们免除了搞清楚自己该怎么做的麻烦。”   尽早创建 401K 计划是很重要的,这有几方面的原因,如果说哪个最重要,那就是展示雇主关心自己员工的未来。李此前曾运营一家创业公司,他的员工问起了 401K 计划的事情。李想创建一套,但整个过程缓慢而又过时。举例来说,那些提供此项计划的机构仍然需要大量的文书工作,需要签名、邮寄和传真文件。   “它看起来是一个麻烦,花的时间很长,我们认为,我们可以利用更加现代化的技术做得更好。”李说,“多年来,我个人帮助过 100 多名亲朋好友检查他们的 401K 计划,并协助他们进行投资。我意识到,他们 401K 计划的投资分配都不够理想。他们不知道该如何选择自己的投资对象,我们希望在 401K 领域引入 Wealthfront 那样的在线理财平台。”   与此同时,Captain401 的另一位联合创始人保罗·萨瓦亚(Paul Sawaya)是来自 Mozilla 基金会的一名软件开发者。该公司创建了一套 401K 计划,但整个流程很难管理,员工也没有被教授最佳的投资方式。“我只登进过系统一次,当时我还是那里的员工。”萨瓦亚说道。两人通过一个共同的好友——Clever 的泰勒·博斯米尼(Tyler Bosmeny)——结识,他们最终谈到了 401K 计划,他们觉得自己可以提供一种更好的体验。   Captain401 的 401K 计划跟数十个先锋指数基金进行了对接,李表示,此举将能带来高于其他基金的业绩表现。“那是人们喜欢的沃伦·巴菲特(Warren Buffet)式做法,经济学家认为,这是员工的最佳选择,能够取得最多的投资回报。”   Captain401 毕业于今夏的 Y Combinator 培训班,有趣的是,Y Combinator 自己将成为该公司的客户。   “员工能够在自己的养老金计划中得到更好的投资选择,并能够就个人情况制定合适的投资策略,如果我们能够朝着那样的世界迈进,那么比之单打独斗的做法,效果能够好得多,而且能够为员工提供更多的帮助。”李说,“显然,这里面还有大量的工作要做。”   YC-Backed Captain401 Wants To Make Creating A 401k Easier For Businesses Captain401, a service that helps small businesses set up a 401k, is launching out of Y Combinator today. The goal of Captain401 is to make managing 401ks as simple as other services are for other functions within companies — and in a more digitally focused manner like Zenefits or Zenpayroll. Captain401 seeks to create a process that avoids funds that have higher fees and fail to beat the market, CEO Roger Lee said. The investing service is automated, helping employees make better decisions about their investments and become more educated about the best choices, he said. “Incumbents like ADP, John Hancock, they require tons of paperwork, snail mailing, filling out and signing,” he said. “Some companies like Fidelity don’t work with small businesses. We think we can do a lot better there, our solution is online and paperless. “It takes companies 10 minutes to set up their plan, we automate the ongoing administration. For the employees it’s that education and investment experience where the existing 401k companies leave employees to figure out what to do on their own.” 401ks are important to set up early for a number of reasons, if only is to show that employers care about the future of their employees. Lee had previously run a startup where his employees were asking about a 401k. Lee wanted to set one up, but the whole process was slow and outdated. Institutions, for example, still required stacks of paperwork that required signatures and had to be mailed and faxed in. “It seemed like a hassle, it took way longer, and we thought we could do a lot better with more modern tech,” he said. “I personally over the years helped more than a 100 friends and family look at their 401ks and help with their investments, and realized without fail that each was sub-optimally allocated. They didn’t know how to choose their investments. We wanted to bring a Wealthfront into the 401k space.” Related Articles Money Management Service Personal Capital Wants To Manage Your 401K BrightScope Launches Personal 401K Fee Report 401k Plans Are Hard BrightScope Launches Personal 401K Fee Report 401k Plans Are Hard BrightScope Launches Personal 401K Fee Report 401k Plans Are Hard To Understand. BrightScope Raises $2 Million To Fix That. Meanwhile, his co-founder Paul Sawaya was a software developer at Mozilla. That company had a 401k instituted, but the whole process was difficult to manage and employees weren’t given education on how to best invest, he said. “I only logged in once when I was an employee there,” he said. The two met through a mutual friend — Tyler Bosmeny at Clever — and eventually came to the topic of 401ks, which they decided they could offer a better experience.   The 401k is tied to dozens of Vanguard index funds, which Lee says ultimately leads to higher performance than other funds. “That’s the approach that people like Warren Buffet, economists [consider], it’s the best approach for employees and get to the most returns.”   Captain401 came out of this year’s summer Y Combinator class. Interestingly enough, Y Combinator will be a customer of Captain401.   “Any step closer to a world where employees can get better investment options in their plan and they can diversify and get a suitable investment strategy that makes sense for them and their personal situation, that can just be so much better and help them so much more than the go it alone approach,” Lee said. “Obviously there’s a lot of work to do here.”   来源:techcrunch
  • 硅谷
    企业营销自动化企业Radius完成Peter Thiel领投的5000万美元D轮融资 由 Facebook 的第一个实习生 Darian Shirazi 创建的企业营销自动化企业 Radius获得由Peter Thiel 的 Founders Fund 领投的 D 轮 5000 万美元的融资。 截止到这次融资,Radius 已经获得了总共 1.25 亿美元的投资。但他们没有公开透露目前公司的估值,Radius 的一位发言人表示,该公司价值 5 亿美元。   Radius 围绕大数据分析技术为客户展开 B2B 营销自动化服务。Radius 的“智慧云(Intelligence Cloud)” 可以对客户的众多渠道(社交媒体、合作伙伴数据、销售系统数据、政府公开数据等)的数据进行分析。再利用不同的模型为客户制定营销策略。据称Radius跟踪的企业数达到了 3000 万,可实时收集500亿个数据点,通过公开数据和专有数据的结合为企业生成其最终客户会不会最终购买产品的“信心指数”。   Radius 计划将本轮融资继续用于其“智慧云(Intelligence Cloud)”的开发。而长远的目标就是上市,投资机构也用实际行动表明了对它的信心。Radius 去年 10 月刚刚完成了 C 轮 5470 万美元的融资。上一轮的老朋友 AME Cloud Ventures,BlueRun Ventures Formation 8,Glynn Capital Management,Salesforce Ventures,Yuan Capital 等多家机构都参加了 Radius 本轮的融资。   B2B 的营销工具 Radius 活得不错,B2C 的企业营销自动化工具也开始风生水起,前沃尔玛、高朋高管出来做的 B2C 的企业营销自动化工具 BlueShift 也开始受到关注。   过去的企业营销自动化工具主要围绕 B2B 业务展开。做 B2C 的难点在于,B2C 的商品种类比 B2B 领域多得多,B2C 要做营销自动化,要求服务商提供更多个性化的服务。 BlueShift 和 Radius 一样围绕大数据为客户提供营销服务,他们目前定位在电商客户群。动态分割和动态内容相结合,使得用户的身份数据和操作内容可以更加准确的匹配,以满足商家个性化营销的需求。他们通过利用用户的实时操作数据来建立用户档案,而传统的做法是根据历史操作数据建档。   BlueShift 目前获得了 Nexus Venture Partners 领投的 260 万美元的种子轮融资。   Marketing intelligence firm Radius raises another $50 million Radius, the marketing intelligence software startup founded by Facebook vet Darian Shirazi, has raised another $50 million led by Peter Thiel's Founders Fund.   With the latest investment round, the six-year-old San Francisco-based company will have raised $125 million to date, following a $54.7 Series C round that closed last September.   Radius is not disclosing its exact valuation, but a company spokesperson says it's north of $500 million. The company has doubled its valuation with every round raised.   Radius investors include Formation 8, Glynn Capital Management, Jerry Yang's AME Cloud Ventures, Salesforce Ventures, BlueRun Ventures and Yuan Capital. That's in addition to former Morgan Stanley chairman John Mack and actor/entrepreneur Jared Leto, who participated in Radius's previous investment rounds.   Radius pegs itself as data science company for B2B marketers. Its platform revolves around a predictive marketing software suite and its proprietary data science engine, the Radius Intelligence Cloud, which tracks more than 50 billion data points on 30 million businesses.   The platform connects to a company's CRM platform, and then uses public, government and other partner sources of data to analyze and refine a client's marketing strategy, helping them generate lead lists of their ideal prospects, increase sales or scale to a national campaign. Beyond prospect data, Radius also provides social media activity from the likes of Facebook, Yelp, Twitter, Google and Foursquare, all in one centrally configured place.   Radius clients include office supply chain Staples and POS maker Revel Systems. Its most prominent competitors include Infer, Lattice Engines and Six Sense Media.   Radius plans to use the new capital for continued development of its Intelligence Cloud. As for the company's long-term roadmap, a home on Wall Street is certainly in the cards.   In an interview last September, Sharazi said he ultimately sees Radius as a publicly traded company.   "We want to build a public company," Sharazi said. "You need freedom to build something incredible. We built this practice around data science and the appreciation for data science, and in order to do this right and solve the problems of such a large market, we felt like we had to stay independent."   来源:ZDNet
  • 硅谷
    LinkedIn二季度营收同比增长了33%;普通股股东净亏6800万美元,同比亏损加大 美国职业社交网站LinkedIn今天发布了该公司截至6月30日的2015年第二季度财报。财报显示,LinkedIn第二季度营收达到7.12亿美元,比去年同期增长了33%;归属于普通股股东的净亏损为6800万美元,去年同期归属于普通股股东的净亏损为103万美元。   与分析师比较: 财报显示,由于成本增加和美元坚挺影响了美国海外市场之外的盈利价值,LinkedIn第二季度亏损进一步加大。但是由于第二季度营收和非美国通用会计准则的每股摊薄利润以及今年全年营收预期都高于市场分析师的预期水平,受这些因素的拉动,LinkedIn当日盘后股价呈现上涨的大好局面。   LinkedIn第二季度营收为7.12亿美元,高于市场分析师预计的6.8亿美元;不按照美国通用会计准则计量的每股摊薄收益为0.55美元,高于市场分析师预计的0.30美元。与此同时,LinkedIn预计2015年全年营收将达到29.4亿美元左右,高于分析师预计的29.1亿美元。   财务详情: LinkedIn第二季度净营收达到7.12亿美元,比去年同期的5.34亿美元增长了33%。其中,人才解决方案营收为4.43亿美元,同比增长38%;营销解决方案营收为1.4亿美元,同比增长32%;优质订阅服务营收为1.28亿美元,同比增长22%。   LinkedIn第二季度归属于普通股股东的净亏损为6800万美元,去年同期归属于普通股股东的净亏损为103万美元;不按照美国通用会计准则,LinkedIn第二季度净利润为7100万美元,上年同期该利润为6300万美元。   LinkedIn第二季度调整后的未计入利息、税费、折旧和摊销之前的净利润(EBITDA)为1.63亿美元,占据了公司营收的23%;上年同期为1.45亿美元,占据了公司营收的27%。   LinkedIn第二季度符合美国通用会计准则的每股摊薄亏损为0.53美元,去年同期为每股摊薄亏损为0.01美元。不按照美国通用会计准则,LinkedIn第二季度每股摊薄收益为0.55美元,去年同期为每股摊薄收益0.51美元。   按照地区划分,LinkedIn第二季度来自美国的营收为4.45亿美元,去年同期为3.18亿美元;来自国际市场的营收为2.67亿美元,去年同期为2.16亿美元。   按照渠道划分,LinkedIn第二季度来自于现场销售渠道的营收为4.4亿美元,去年同期为3.19亿美元;来自于网络的营收为2.71亿元,去年同期为2.15亿美元。   业绩展望: LinkedIn预计,该公司2015年第三季度营收将介于7.45亿美元到7.50亿美元之间;预计第三季度调整后未计入利息、税费、折旧和摊销之前的净利润(EBITDA)将介于1.46亿美元到1.48亿美元之间;预计第三季度不按照美国通用会计准则计量的每股摊薄收益约为0.43美元;预计第三季度折旧和摊销支出约为6900万美元;预计第三季度股权奖励支出约为1.28亿美元。   LinkedIn预计整个2015年营收约为29.4亿美元;调整后未计入利息、税费、折旧和摊销之前的净利润(EBITDA)约为6.65亿美元;预计不按照美国通用会计准则计量的每股摊薄收益约为2.19美元;折旧和摊销支出约为2.78亿美元;股权奖励支出约为5.1亿美元。   股价表现: 在周四的美国股市常规交易中,LinkedIn股价下跌4.85美元,报收于227.15美元,跌幅为2.09%;在发布财报之后的当日盘后交易中(截至发稿之时),LinkedIn股价止跌上扬12.85美元,到240美元,涨幅为5.66%。在过去的52周,LinkedIn最低股价为178.76美元,最高股价为276.18美元。(悦潼)   来源:腾讯科技
  • 硅谷
    YC旗下创业公司GO1,想要挑战企业传统合规培训 美国企业孵化器Y Combinator 2015年夏季主打公司GO1,一家成立于北美的员工培训企业,旨在用更有效更新潮的方法教育和培训员工。   想必在大公司工作过的人都应该体验过完成年度合规培训的挫败感。通常情况下,所谓的合规培训就是要你连续看几个小时的网络研讨会,会议的内容是教你如何成为公司团队的一员,如避免腐败等等。举个简单的例子,你要浏览每张幻灯片的信息,哪怕幻灯片上的内容非常浅显易懂。   GO1的培训教师团队由来自牛津大学的澳大利亚人组成,GO1运用的一些培训理念是经过育智科技企业(比如Coursera和Udemy)实践认证的。   GO1的创始人Andrew Barnes是一位罗德学者(猎云网注:罗德奖学金是一个世界级的奖学金,有“全球本科生诺贝尔奖”之称的美誉,得奖者被称为“罗德学者”。),是牛津大学的教育技术硕士。“对于很多公司而言,合规培训是特定的。”Barnes在采访中说道,“可是走形式的合规培训简直是在滥用员工的时间,造成员工对公司不满;真正的员工培训应该是让员工变得更有实力。”   GO1可为不同的组织机构定制不同的培训计划,它要么根据市场需求给组织机构增加培训课程,要么根据每个公司自身的材料制定计划;而不是随便放50页PPT就完事了,GO1的培训课程会请成功人士为你演讲,比如邀请一位将军,他会留给你两个有多项选择的问题,问题的内容是关于他所讲的故事对你的工作有何帮助。     公司可以上传任意PPT和网页文件到GO1上,它会自动将你上传的资料转换为超级文本标记语言(HTML)格式,以供员工下载。不管你是用笔记本电脑、平板电脑还是其它移动设备上传,员工都能看见这些文件;而且他们还能边看边做笔记,以备后续参考用。   “员工培训是个非常分散的市场,里面有很多小型提供商;这让人力资源管理者和员工很头疼。”Barnes说道,“我们的目标是就是帮管理者和员工解决这个问题,满足公司的培训和学习需求。”   在很多情况下,员工的合规培训是法律所需。比如,加利福利亚所有超过50名员工的公司根据法律要求,需为员工提供有关性骚扰的培训。Barnes在采访中说:“现在有很多公司根本不按法律办事,要么是因为他们没有意识到违法的后果,要么是因为他们觉得按法律办事有点困难。”   一年前,GO1在澳大利亚建立,从那时起,它一共为15万用户提供了培训计划,服务了近百家企业。   GO1为澳大利亚一家大的银行提供有关急救方面的培训,对银行员工和顾客进行应急急救教育。   GO1计划在参加YC项目期间打开在北美的市场,它对那些只有10名以下员工的公司提供免费的服务,对大公司也只收每用户1美元/每月。   YC-Backed GO1 Wants To Make Compliance Training Suck Less GO1, an employee training startup out of Y Combinator’s Summer 2015 cohort, is launching in North America to help companies onboard and educate their employees in a more effective fashion.   Anyone who has worked for a large company knows the frustration of completing yearly compliance training. Generally this means watching a couple of hour-long web seminars about being a team player or avoiding corruption, for instance, which require you to click through slides of information that all seems rather obvious.   Founded by an Australian team of educators out of Oxford University, GO1 is applying some of the concepts proven by edtech startups, such as Coursera and Udemy, to employee training.   “For a lot of companies, compliance training is fairly ad-hoc,” says GO1 founder Andrew Barnes, who is a Rhodes scholar finishing up a masters in Education Technology at Oxford. “It’s a really bad use of people’s time and it creates a sense of resentment toward the company, when really, training should be empowering the staff.”   Organizations using GO1 can customize their own white-labelled training portal by either adding courses from GO1’s marketplace or creating their own with company materials. Instead of a generic 50-slide PowerPoint presentation about why listening is important, a GO1 course might feature a TED Talk by an Army general followed by two multiple-choice questions about how his story applies to your job.   Companies can upload any PowerPoint or web document to GO1, which automatically converts it into an HTML format that employees can download. Whether on a laptop, mobile device, or tablet, employees can view the documents and jot down notes that are saved for later reference. “This is a very fragmented market, there are a lot of small providers and a lot of frustration for HR managers and employees,” says Barnes. “Our goal is to be the solution for both ends of that equation and provide a consistent single interface for all a company’s training and learning needs.”   In many cases, employee compliance training is required by law. All California businesses that employ more than 50 people, for instance, are legally obliged to provide sexual harassment training to their staff, according to Barnes. Currently many companies aren’t abiding by this law, Barnes says, either because they’re not aware of the legal consequences or because it’s too difficult to do so.   GO1 launched in Australia a year ago, and has since provided training for over 150,000 users spread across nearly a hundred companies.   Customers range from the largest ambulance training program in Australia to a major bank that’s using GO1 for both staff and customer education.   GO1 will focus on growing its business in North America for the duration of the YC program. The service is free for companies with under 10 employees, and currently costs $1 per user per month for larger companies.   Source:TC